Award Notices

Mar/21/2025Notice of Award - Micromedia Technologies- Semi Expendable Equipment | P72,895.00
Mar/07/2025Notice of Award- San Carlos Elementary School - Sean Print and Wait Printing Services - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of EOSY Rites Activities for the SY 2024-2025 I Contract Amount=Php 65,925.00
Mar/05/2025Notice of Award- Quezon Hill National High School - MGF Consumer Goods Trading - Procurement of Semi-Expendable Office Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 60,470.00
Feb/27/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Transportation, Hauling and Delivery of Learning Resources/SMEs from Lucban Library Hub-Pines SHS Campus to All Public Schools in Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 109,000.00
Feb/27/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Furniture and Fixture for the Third Floor Conference Hall I Contract Amount=Php 116,400.00
Feb/27/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Furniture and Fixture for the Third Floor Conference Hall I Contract Amount=Php 83,700.00
Feb/27/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Silicon Valley Computer Group Phil. Inc.- Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for the Use of MADRASAH Education Program ALIVE Class Learners of DepEd Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 216,750.00
Feb/27/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Silicon Valley Computer Group Phil. Inc.- Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for the Used During the National Learning Camp Assessment (NLCA) and Other Online Assessment/Activities I Contract Amount=Php 395,250.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Transportation Vehicle Service for the Division Training of Trainers DTOT on the Indigenous People Education IPED Component of the MATATAG Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 126,500.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Orientation Cum Instruction of SNED Receiving Teachers on Understanding Learners with Difficulties or Disabilities I Contract Amount=Php 69,146.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Musical Instruments for Project SMILE Through Peer or Cross-Age Teaching: A Continual Project for Learners with Disabilities I Contract Amount=Php 108,900.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Semi Expendable Furniture and Fixture for Use in the 10 Districts in Various Schools I Contract Amount=Php 114,950.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Baguio Country Club Village Elementary School- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Desktop and Printer for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 63,875.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- SEIGE Techgrinds ICT Business Solutions Co.- Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for Educational Facilities Section I Contract Amount=Php 67,250.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- HER &SHE Dry Goods Trading- Procurement of Office Materials for the Social Mobilization and Networking Operations I Contract Amount=Php 65,060.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office-ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Project SMILE Through Peer of Cross-Age Teaching a Continual Project of Learners with Disabilities I Contract Amount=Php 67,885.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Materials for the Reproduction and Distribution of MATATAG Print and Non-Print Learning Materials for Pilot Schools I Contract Amount=Php 230,285.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Ruby Dengay General Merchandise- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Furniture and Fixtures for the Implementation of IPED I Contract Amount=Php 60,000.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- DKLR Enterprise- Procurement of Supplies and Materials fort the Conduct of ReSPECT REcognizing Sponsors, Partners and Educators, and Celebrating Ties I Contract Amount=Php 83,810.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- BE-Secure CCTV Installation and Trading- Procurement of Materials for Paging System with Installation I Contract Amount=Php 73,000.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Van Transportation Service for the Development and Quality Assurance of Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 51,900.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- CATMON Multi Purpose Cooperative- Procurement of Sterilized Milk for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries for Forty Three Days I Contract Amount=Php 387,387.00
Feb/26/2025Notice of Award- Fairview Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Office Supplies, Other Supplies and Materials and ICT Semi Expendable Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 170,730.00
Feb/21/2025Notice of Award- Bakakeng National High School- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 81,210.00
Feb/19/2025Notice of Award- Mabini Elementary School- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 125,935.00
Feb/19/2025Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- MGF Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Semi Expendable Machinery and Equipment, School/Office Supplies and Other Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 125,556.00
Feb/19/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of 2025 Sports Activities I Contract Amount=Php 76,568.00
Feb/19/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- R.U Sangayab Construction- Procurement of Electrical Supplies with Installation Service for the Connection of the Transformer of PFVR and SDO I Contract Amount=Php 68,800.00
Feb/19/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Orientation on Manipulative Tools in Mathematics I Contract Amount=Php 130,875.00
Feb/19/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Ap[ogee Vehicle Rental- Procurement of Transportation Vehicle Service for the Conduct of the Division Training of Service Orientation for Division Office Personnel (Non-Teaching) Cum Wellness Program I Contract Amount=Php 73,500.00
Feb/19/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Gold N Green Enterprise- Procurement of Supplies for the Reproduction and Distribution MATATAG Print and Non-Print Learning Materials for Pilot Schools I Contract Amount=Php 74,970.00
Feb/18/2025Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies for the First Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 40,045.00
Feb/17/2025Notice of Award- Lucban Elementary School- The Stable Educational Supply- Procurement of Regular Supplies for Lucban Elementary School I Contract Amount=Php 156,649.00
Jan/27/2025Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Provision of Semi Expendable Supplies and Materials for the Implementation of Schools Programs and Activities I Contract Amount=Php 203,140.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises 97,566.00 and Universal Care Consumer Goods Trading 51,537.00- Procurement of Supplies and Materials and Semi-Expendable Equipment for SDO Baguio Preparedness and Response I Contract Amount=Php 51,537.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of ICT Equipment and Supplies for the Youth Formators Convergence I Contract Amount=Php 187,120.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Supplies for the Production of Transition Learning Resources for the 2nd Quarter Grade 7 Music Arts and VE I Contract Amount=Php 63,375.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- The Orchard Hotel Baguio- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Orientation Workshop on the Administration of Early Language Literacy Numeracy and Assessment I Contract Amount=Php 58,200.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Tongalag Transport- Procurement of Transportation, Hauling and Delivery Services of Learning Resources Specially Science and Math Equipment at Las Piñas I Contract Amount=Php 66,900.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Apogee Vehicle Rental and Trading- Procurement of Semi Expendable Sports Equipment for the Conduct of Comprehensive Training Program of Sports Coaches in DepEd I Contract Amount=Php 62,340.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Equipment for the Radio Broadcasting Studio I Contract Amount=Php 66,590.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Leadership Training for ALS Leaders on November 20 to 22, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 98,400.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Greg Korean Grill House- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of 2025 Work and Financial Planning for Schools I Contract Amount=Php 130,640.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Mircomedia Technologies- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment to Ensure the Sustainability and Functionality of the DepEd Computerization Program I Contract Amount=Php 73,970.00
Jan/23/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- ION Hotel- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Use of Function Hall for the Strategic Foundations: Capacity Building Cum Crafting of the DFSSLG Development Plan for SY 2024-2025 I Contract Amount=Php 73,780.00
Jan/07/2025Office Memorandum No. 003, 2025 - Notice of Meeting of Performance Management Team (PMT)
Jan/07/2025Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Upskilling of Teachers, Enhancement and Quality Assurance of PISA Align Test Item on December 9 and 10, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 82,800.00
Dec/13/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Brentwood Apartelle and Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Upskilling of Teachers, Enhancement and Quality Assurance of PISA Align Test Item on December 9 and 10, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 82,800.00
Dec/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment Rental Services for the Conduct of the Youth Formators Convergence on December 2 to 6, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 137,500.00
Dec/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- MG Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of the Youth Formators Convergence I Contract Amount=Php 134,600.00
Dec/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Ravaz Van Rental- Procurement of Transportation Vehicle Service for the Participants During the Division Training on Enhancing Administrative Efficiency, ICT, Finance, Legal Compliance and Team Building of School Based Non-Teaching Personnel on November 20 to 22 I ABC=Php 104,500.00
Dec/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals for the Conduct of the 2024 National Student's Day Celebration I ABC=Php 119,500.00
Dec/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- AG Castillo Construction- Procurement of Construction Materials with Repair Services for the Repair of the Third Floor Roof Deck of SDO Baguio I ABC=Php 118,091.50
Nov/28/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Cokins Everywear General Merchandise- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for ALS Operation I ABC=Php 131,720.00
Nov/25/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Wi-Al Construction Builders- Procurement of Materials for the PFVR Archive Room I Contract Amount=Php 73,635.00
Nov/25/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Erundina Floredeliza- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Capacity Building of SNED Coordinators on October 25 to 26, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 57,600.00
Nov/25/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Gima Saltin General Merchandise- Procurement of Pigs for the Conduct of IPED Culminating Program and Planning Activities of Schools Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 90,000.00
Nov/25/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Gablet's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Contextualization of Curriculum in all Learning Areas and Grade Levels on August 27 to 30, 2024 and September 6, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 155,200.00
Nov/25/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Cozy Place Resort- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Participants in the Division Training on Facilitation for School Based AOs and PDOs on October 28 to 30, 2024 I ABC=Php 315,700.00
Nov/14/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Brentwood Apartelle and Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Orientation Workshop on the Administration of National Achievement Test NAT G12 I Contract Amount=Php 94,200.00
Nov/14/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Brentwood Apartelle and Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Orientation Workshop on the Administration of National Achievement Test I Contract Amount=Php 69,600.00
Nov/07/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Program Implementation Review of School Based Training on MATATAG Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 78,367.50
Nov/07/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Asin Hotspring Pooten Resort- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue and Accommodation for the SDRRMC Capability Building and Orientation Meeting Roll Out of Regional DRRM TOT on August 15 to 16, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 273,600.00
Nov/07/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Coloredge Graphic Solutions- Procurement for the Printing of SDO Baguio Resource Book I Contract Amount=Php 179,920.00
Nov/07/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Norris Printing Shop- Procurement of Advocacy Materials for the Conduct of the Youth Formators Convergence I Contract Amount=Php 417,145.00
Oct/18/2024Notice of Award- Baguio Central School- A.M Peratla Psychological Services- Procurement of Formal Assessment for Learners with Special Education Needs I Contract Amount=Php 75,000.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi Expendable ICT Equipment for Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines (ABC+) Program Implementation Review (PIR) I Contract Amount=Php 72,960.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Blessed St. John Pharmaceuticals- Procurement of Medicines and Medical Supplies for the Schools Dental Health Care Program Clinics I Contract Amount=Php 89,855.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the 2024 Teachers Summit Cum: Rewards and Recognition September 10, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 120,000.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Charlie Benawe- Procurement of Land Survey Services of School Sites for Application for the Issuance of the Special Patent/s I Contract Amount=Php 200,000.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- San Juan Resort Development and Management Corporation- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue and Accommodation for the Public Service Continuity Plan I Contract Amount=Php 266,625.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for the Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum Pilot Schools I Contract Amount=Php 312,800.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Baguio Crown Legacy- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Orientation Workshop of School Testing Coordinators on the Administration of the Regular Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) September 28, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 66,000.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Completion Program for IPBT Inductees October 25, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 103,664.00
Oct/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Internet Subscription for MATATAG Curriculum Pilot Schools (Rizal Elementary School and Doña Aurora National High School I Contract Amount=Php 477,600.00
Oct/09/2024Notice of Award- Fort del Pilar National High School- Procurement of Supplies and Materials, Semi-expendable for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 33,990.00
Oct/09/2024Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights- Amy V. Psychological Services- Procurement of Psychological Assessment of Learners with Special Needs for School Placement and Intervention I Contract Amount=Php 41,800.00
Oct/09/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Installation of Local Area Network for the School Wide Internet Connection of 2 MATATAG Pilot Schools I Contract Amount=Php 197,500.00
Oct/09/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Konsulta Medica and Diagnostic Center- Procurement of Conduct the Annual Physical Examination I Contract Amount=Php 221,880.00
Oct/09/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- The Orchard Hotel Baguio- Procurement of Board and Lodging with Meals and Snacks and Use of Function Halls for the Conduct of Revalida on the Policy Development of the Barkada Kontra Droga Program to Transition to Barkada Kontra Bisyo I Contract Amount=Php 264,000.00
Oct/09/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Advocacy Materials for the Conduct of Revalida on the Policy Development of the Barkada Kontra Droga Program to Transition to Barkada Kontra Bisyo I Contract Amount=Php 69,000.00
Oct/08/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- The Orchard Hotel Baguio- Procurement of Meals and Venue for the 2nd Division Gawad Siklab-Search for the Outstanding Youth Formation Implementers, Student Leaders, Teacher Advisers and School Club Organizations I Contract Amount=Php 52,000.00
Oct/01/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Kingboodle Foodgasm Sizzling House- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Seminar Worskhop on Mental Health and Psychosocial Services (MHPSS) and Suicide Prevention in Schools (Batch 1) I Contract Amount=Php 120,000.00
Oct/01/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Signs of Success- Procurement of Materials for Retirees and Service Awardees During the Conduct of Pammadayaw 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 78,880.00
Oct/01/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Sure Tire Trading- Procurement of Tires with Tire Replacement Service for the Service Vehicle with Conduction Sticker B7 M216 I Contract Amount=Php 53,056.00
Sep/18/2024Notice of Award- Baguio Central School- Print Expert.Com- Procurement of Learner Related Form and ID I Contract Amount=Php 123,450.00
Sep/17/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Procurement of Materials for Reproduction and Distribution of MATATAG Print and Non-Print Learning Materials for Pilot Schools I Contract Amount=Php 117,300.00
Sep/16/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods and MG Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Training Kits, Training Supplies and Materials for the Youth Formators Convergence on December 2 to 6, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php (ML Consumer 165,953.00) (MG Consumer Goods Trading 59,983.00)
Sep/16/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Garden Supplies and Materials for the Gulayan sa Paaralan Program I ABC=Php 53,400.00
Sep/16/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of SDO Baguio City Foundation Anniversary on September 6, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 107,520.00
Aug/30/2024Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- Hernz Hogs and Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Tables for School Activities I Contract Amount=Php 70,000.00
Aug/30/2024Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Semi Expendable for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 59,325.00
Aug/30/2024Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Office and Other Supplies for the Third Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 115,156.00
Aug/30/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Print Expert.Com- Procurement of Learner's ID for School Year 2024-2025 I Contract Amount=Php 56,210.00
Aug/27/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi Expendable ICT Equipment for the Sustainability of the DepEd Computerization Program DCP I Contract Amount=Php 298,370.00
Aug/27/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of the 2nd Division Gawad Siklab: Search for the Outstanding Youth Implementers, Student Leaders, Teacher Advisers and School Club Organizations I Contract Amount=Php 86,669.00
Aug/27/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi Expendable ICT Equipment to Enhance the SDO ICT Infrastructure (PTZ Cameras) I Contract Amount=Php 162,755.00
Aug/20/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Dental Supplies for the Schools Dental Health Care Program Clinics I Contract Amount=Php 99,985.00
Aug/20/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Software License for, Online Conferencing, and Digital Certificates I Contract Amount=Php 96,900.00
Aug/19/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Enhancement of SDO ICT Infrastructure (CCTV) I Contract Amount=Php 120,250.00
Aug/19/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- SHMIC General Merchandise- Procurement of Fruit Juice for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries for Two Hundred Regular School Days I Contract Amount=Php 136,400.00
Aug/19/2024Notice of Award- Baguio Central School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 57,430.00
Aug/16/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Office and Janitorial Supplies and Materials for the 3rd Quarter 2024 I ABC=Php 187,159.00
Aug/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Enhancement of SDO ICT Infrastructure (CCTV) I Contract Amount=Php 120,250.00
Aug/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Software License for, Online Conferencing, and Digital Certificates I Contract Amount=Php 96,900.00
Aug/02/2024Notice of Award- Baguio Central School- Xworks Sales and Services- Procurement of Docutrace S2110 Copier Consumable Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 70,000.00
Aug/01/2024Notice of Award- Baguio Central School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Learning Materials for the Implementation of National Learning Camp I Contract Amount=Php 75,280.00
Jul/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Baguio-Benguet Transport Cooperative- Procurement of Transportation Service for the Conduct of School and Division Contingency Plan Writeshop I Contract Amount=Php 65,000.00
Jul/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies for the Reproduction of DRRM Training Materials I Contract Amount=Php 67,600.00
Jul/11/2024Notice of Award- Roxas National High School- Ezrah Construction Services- Procurement of Construction Materials with Labor for Repair/Maintenance/Renovation of Main DepEd Building at Roxas National High School I Contract Amount=Php 250,000.00
Jun/25/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Baguio Benguet Transport Cooperative- Procurement of Transportation Vehicle Service in the Conduct of the Division Training of Trainers (DTOT) on MATATAG Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 90,000.00
May/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Nutritious Food Products for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries for Twenty (20) National Learning Days I Contract Amount=Php 67,995.40
May/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Northland Foods Incorporated- Procurement of Enhanced and Enriched Bread for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries for Two Hundred (200) Regular School Days I Contract Amount=Php 682,000.000
May/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Northland Foods Incorporated- Procurement of Enhanced and Enriched Bread for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries for Twenty (20) National Learning Days I Contract Amount=Php 68,200.00
May/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Aretei Foods Corporation- Procurement of Nutritious Food Products for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries for Two Hundred (200) Regular School Days I Contract Amount=Php 679,954.00
May/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Hauling Services and Door-to-Door Delivery with Assembly of School Furniture to Identified Schools of Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 245,000.00
May/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Semi Expendable Materials and Semi Expendable ICT Equipment Regular Operations of ALS Office I Contract Amount=Php 61,649.00
May/31/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Travellure- Procurement of Transportation Service Vehicles to Ferry Food Commodities Once a Week for Forty Four (44) Weeks in Identified SBBFP Recipient Schools I Contract Amount=Php 96,700.12
May/24/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- URR Medica Pharmacy- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for SBFP Operations I Contract Amount=Php 93,231.30
May/24/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of SMART Interactive Touch Displays for Enhanced Surveillance Monitoring I Contract Amount= Php 525,100.00
May/22/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 192,580.00
May/22/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 68,550.00
May/15/2024Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- Sean Print and Wait Printing Services- Procurement of SY 2023-2024 EOSY Rites I Contract Amount=Php 53,535.00
May/13/2024Notice of Award- San Carlos Height Elementary School- Procurement of Year-End Program Materials for the SY 2023-2024 I Contract Amount=Php 63,965.00
May/13/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Weavetech Networks Incorporated- Procurement of 1GB Internet Subscription for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 151,200.00
May/13/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Ramel B. Rifani- Procurement of Transformer with Installation Service for PFVR and SDO Use I Contract Amount=Php 191,523.38
May/13/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the 2024 CARAA Clean and Green I Contract Amount=Php 71,600.00
May/13/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Gold N Green Enterprise- Procurement of Materials and Implementation of Unique Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 669,888.20
Apr/29/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the 2024 Sports Activities I Contract Amount=Php 65,900.00
Apr/18/2024Notice of Award- Mabini Elementary School- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Year and Activities of Mabini Elementary School I Contract Amount=Php 98,995.00
Apr/16/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Office Supplies and Janitorial Supplies and Materials for the 1st Quarter 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 261,135.00
Apr/12/2024Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Sound System in the School Gym I Contract Amount=Php 88,800.00
Apr/12/2024Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- Wi-al Construction Builders- Procurement of Carpentry Tools and Equipment for School Maintenance I Contract Amount=Php 52,639.00
Apr/12/2024Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon- Ban Bee Commercial Incorporated- Procurement of Tables and Chairs for School Activities I Contract Amount=Php 69,600.00
Apr/12/2024Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Tables and Chairs for School Activities I Contract Amount=Php 62,000.00
Apr/12/2024Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement and Installation of CCTV Camera Surveillance System for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 108,300.00
Apr/12/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Motorplaza Incorporation- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Materials and Labor Services for the Repair of Service Vehicle (Pickup) with Conduction Sricker BY M219 I Contract Amount=Php 58,163.00
Mar/26/2024Notice of Award- Pinsao Elementary School- Cokins Everywear & General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies and Other Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 201,080.00
Mar/26/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Supplemental Office Supplies and Other Supplies and Materials for the Months of February and March 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 55,764.00
Mar/26/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Office Supplies and Other Supplies and Materials for the Months of February and March 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 192,580.00
Mar/26/2024Notice of Award- Mil-an National High School- The Stable Educational Supply- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 211,440.00
Mar/14/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Procurement of Printing, Binding and Packaging of English, Science and Mathematics Formative Assessment Sheets I Contract Amount=Php 103,500.00
Mar/11/2024Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Procurement of Office Supplies and Other Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 61,337.00
Mar/11/2024Notice of Award- Baguio City SPED Center- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of 2024 Midyear INSET Entitled "Inclusivity and Equality of Enhanced K to 12 Basic Education" (MOOE) I ABC=Php 67,500.000
Mar/11/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Midyear Program Review and Evaluation (MPRE) I Contract Amount=Php 97,650.00
Mar/07/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplemental Office Supplies and Other Supplies and Materials for the Months of February and March 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 55,764.00
Mar/07/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Office Supplies and Other Supplies and Materials for the Months of February and March 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 192,580.00
Mar/07/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Casaldo Lyndon Bacmor Security Agency- Procurement of Security Services at the Schools Division Office for 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 637,128.00
Feb/27/2024Notice of Award- Happy Hallow Elementary School- Procurement of Internet Connectivity I Contract Amount=Php 54,000.00
Feb/22/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Easter Weaving- Procurement of Materials for the IPED Implementation of Unique Curriculum Track (Clothing Designs Services) I Contract Amount=Php 53,010.00
Feb/20/2024Notice of Award- Sto. Tomas National High School- Lilian Orpilla Store- Procurement of Meals and Snacks During the 5 Day INSET I Contract Amount=Php 64,750.00
Feb/20/2024Notice of Award- Pinget Elementary School- Anayas Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks I Contract Amount=Php 52,500.00
Feb/14/2024Notice of Award- Happy Hollow National High School- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi Expendable Machinery and Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 52,510.00
Feb/14/2024Notice of Award- Quezon Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods- Procurement of Office Supplies for the First Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 62,840.00
Feb/14/2024Notice of Award- Quezon Elementary School- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for Midyear Program Review and Evaluation and In-Service Training I Contract Amount=Php 58,500.00
Feb/02/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Security Services I Contract Amount=Php 360,000.00
Feb/02/2024Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Midyear Program Review and Evaluation (MPRE) I Contract Amount=Php 97,650.00
Jan/26/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Marciana's Handicrafts Store- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the 22nd National Consultative of CLMD Chiefs, CID and SGOD Chiefs, Regional Focal Persons and Selected DepEd Officials I Contract Amoount=Php 60,000.00
Jan/26/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Division Achievement Test DAT I Contract Amount=Php 335,160.00
Jan/26/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for the Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 878,785.00
Jan/26/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Pilot Implementation of the K-12 MATATAG Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 245,420.00
Jan/24/2024Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- Sydblakes Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks During the Inset I Contract Amount=Php 54,530.00
Jan/24/2024Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- The Stable Educational Supply- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 44,587.50
Jan/24/2024Notice of Award- Kias Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 57,836.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Drone for the Education Facilities Section I Contract Amount=Php 75,000.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 908,900.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Transportation, Hauling and Delivery Services of Specially SMEs from Tabuk and Deliver it to the Schools in Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 67,800.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals for the Conduct of SDO Year-End Updates and Thanksgiving Program for CY 2023 I Contract Amount= Php 69,000.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Transportation Vehicle Service for the DRRM Training on February 8-10, 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 108,350.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Manzo Dental Supplies Trading- Procurement of Dental Materials for Dental Treatment I Contract Amount=Php 124,570.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Equipment and Networking Materials for SDO Use I Contract Amount=Php 854,630.00
Jan/10/2024Notice of Award- Dontogan Elementary School- Procurement of Security Services for Dontogan Elementary School for CY 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 379,176.00
Dec/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies for the Smart Learning Community of Madrasah Education Program I Contract Amount=Php 59,223.00
Dec/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Transportation Service Vehicle for the Monitoring of DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) I Contract Amount=Php 55,000.00
Dec/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Materials for the PFVR Gym and Dorm Use I Contract Amount=Php 149,491.80
Dec/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Janitorial and Office Supplies for the SDO-Baguio City 4th Quarter 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 186,697.00
Dec/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Equipping School Heads on Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms I Contract Amount=Php 87,150.00
Dec/20/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Local Stakeholders Convergence and Recognition of Partners I Contract Amount=Php 132,000.00
Dec/20/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Equipping School Heads on Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism I Contract Amount=Php 87,150.00
Dec/20/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for the Education Facilities Section I Contract Amount=Php 248,750.00
Dec/20/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for the Education Facilities Section I Contract Amount=Php 55,950.00
Dec/20/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Internet Subscription for the Smart Learning Communities of Madrasah Education Program I Contract Amount=Php 284,400.00
Dec/20/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Printer and External Hard Drive for the Smart Learning Community of Madrasah Education Program I Contract Amount=Php 217,700.00
Dec/05/2023Notice of Award- Kias Elementary School- Procurement of Printers for School Use I ABC=Php 62,300.00
Nov/30/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Transportation Service Vehicle for the Monitoring of DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) in 67 Public Schools on December 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 55,000.00
Nov/20/2023Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Siphoning/Desludging of Septic Tank I Contract Amount=Php 60,000.00
Nov/16/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment for the Alternative Lab Project I Contract Amount=Php 67,100.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Capability Building for Illustrators 3S Sustaining the Spirit of Storybook Writing on October 13, 14 and 28, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 61,320.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Reproduction of Locally Evaluated Self-Learning Modules SLMs I Contract Amount=Php 137,149.20
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Training and Delivery of Instruction I Contract Amount=Php 328,772.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Alternative Lab Project I Contract Amount=Php 62,217.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Capability Building of School Heads and Master Teachers on the 4As Approach I Contract Amount=Php 53,760.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Plaque and Materials for the Conduct of Service Awardees and Outstanding Employees and Schools Through Pammadayaw 2023 on October 2 or 10, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 117,
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi Expendable ICT Equipment for the Reproduction of Learning Materials (Workbook) for Incoming Grades 7 and Grade 8 I Contract Amount=Php 802,930.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment for Office Use I Contract Amount=Php 54,960.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Meetings, Conferences and Bid Openings from August to December 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 56,500.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Soil Exploration Service for the Gabaldon Building Restoration at Baguio Central School I Contract Amount=Php 57,200.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Tokens for the 2023 Loyalty Service Awardees I Contract Amount=Php 62,818.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Reproduction of SDRRM Booklet and Tarpaulin as Preparation Materials I Contract Amount=Php 101,184.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the 2024 Work and Financial Planning for Schools at SDO Conference Hall on October 25-26, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 137,700.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Materials for the Implementation of DRRM Preparedness I Contract Amount=Php 65,400.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Capability Building Cum Spiritual Upliftment of ALS Livelihood Implementers on October 18 to 20, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 54,924.00
Nov/14/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Recognition of Service Awardees and Outstanding Employees and Schools Through Pammadayaw 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 278,600.00
Oct/26/2023Notice of Award- Mabini Elementary School- Procurement of Printing of School IDs for Learners of Mabini Elementary School I Contract Amount=Php 52,805.00
Oct/06/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Semi Expendable ICT Equipment and Components for the Division Office I ABC=Php 108,925.00
Oct/06/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the 2023 Corporate Planning and Budgeting on September 18 to 21, 2023 I ABC=Php 210,000.00
Oct/06/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Transportation and Delivery of Nutrifood Products and Pasteurized Milk to SBFP School Recipients I Contract Amount=Php 60,000.00
Oct/05/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Participants of the Capability Building on Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Science of Reading Phase 2 on September 22 to 24, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 201,600.00
Oct/05/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Nutritious Food Products for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries I Contract Amount=Php 329,610.60
Oct/05/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Software Licenses for (Division Website), E-Planning System, Video Conferencing Platform, Cloud Storage and Cloud Editing Tools I Contract Amount=Php 87,360.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Sloppy Joe Cafe- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Conduct of Training on Inclusive Education-Special Needs Education (SNED) Batch 3 I Contract Amount=Php 60,060.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the DRRM Orientation for the SY 2023 to 2024 I Contract Amount=Php 56,000.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment for the Implementation of Madrasah Education Program I Contract Amount=Php 839,900.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Learning Tools and Equipment and Science and Mathematics Packages for Public Elementary, Junior and Science High School I Contract Amount=Php 164,528.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meal and Snacks with Venue for the Strategic Technical Assistance (STRATA 2.0) for School Leaders with a "K" I Contract Amount=Php 162,000.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Northland Foods Incorporated- Procurement of Enriched Bun/Bread for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries I Contract Amount=Php 403,982.70
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Eco Lodge- Procurement of Meal and Snacks Inclusive of Venue for the Induction Program for Beginning Teachers/LAC Session for the TIP Mentors on August 17 to 18, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 241,500.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- Procurement of Printer for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 43,500.00
Sep/15/2023Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- MIcromedia Technologies- Procurement of ICT Materials I Contract Amount=Php 244,975.00
Aug/30/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Pines Mamitas- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Training on the Roles of Master Teachers Through Frontline: Forging Resilient, Open Minded and Nimble Teachers Leveraging I Contract Amount=Php 77,600.00
Aug/30/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Conduct of Project START (Strengthening Technical Assistance Through Realistic Techniques) of SGOD I Contract Amount=Php 88,400.00
Aug/30/2023Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar National High School- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Office and Janitorial Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 45,240.00
Aug/29/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Reproduction Supplies for the Series of Capability Building Activities for Self Learning Modules (SLMs) I Contract Amount=Php 89,085.00
Aug/29/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Training on SPED Inclusive Education on August 9-11, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 87,750.00
Aug/29/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Training on SPED Inclusive Education I Contract Amount=Php 63,180.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Copylandia Office Systems Corp.- Procurement of Reproduction Supplies for the Conduct of National Learning Camp I Contract Amount=Php 300,000.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Sydblakes Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Series of Capability Building Activities for Self Learning Modules (SLMs) I Contract Amount=Php 274,512.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Procurement of Printing of National Learning Camp Advocacy Materials (Tarpaulin and Poster) for 68 Schools I Contract Amount=Php 62,220.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Wi-Al Construction Builders I Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Installation of Steel Grills for the DPWH-BOD of DANHS I Contract Amount=Php 92,125.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Bella Vista Resort- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Training Workshop on Language Enhancement and Pedagogy (LEaP) for ASATIDZ I Contract Amount=Php 232,400.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Venue with Meals and Snacks for the Upskilling for Teachers, School Heads and Supervisors on Smart Learning Communities Pilot Year 1 on August 23 to 25, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 198,000.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for Record's Unit Use I Contract Amount=Php 57,300.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Advocacy T-shirt and Disaster Kit Go Bag for the Promotion of Mental Health and Wellness Activities to NLC Learners I Contract Amount=Php 510,000.00
Aug/25/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Varyline Corporation- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Capacity Building of Teachers for the National Learning Camp I Contract Amount=Php 399,588.80
Aug/23/2023Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Sydblakes Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the JCES Year-End Program Review and Evaluation 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 63,936.00
Aug/17/2023Notice of Award- Apolinario Mabini Elementary School- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenance I Contract Amount=Php 32,525.00
Aug/10/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Participants of Teaching with IMPACT Training for Master Teachers I Contract Amount=Php 106,275.00
Aug/10/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Capacity Building for Team Task on July 24, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 116,96.00
Aug/10/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Consultation Conference for the Enhancement of DepEd Order No. 40, S. 2012 (DepEd Child Protection Policy) I Contract Amount=Php 53,746.00
Aug/10/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Eco Lodge- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Training Workshop of Science Teachers on Robotics September 1 to 3 and 16 to 17, 2023 I ABC=Php 208,250.00
Aug/10/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Agana Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Semi Expendable Furniture and Fixture for PFVR Use I Contract Amount=Php 291,000.00
Aug/07/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Tarlac Mac Enterprises Inc.- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment for PFVR Use I Contract Amount=Php 76,000.00
Jul/18/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Office Supplies and Semi Expendable Office Equipment for the Printing of Gender Responsive and K to 12 Aligned Locally Developed ALS Learning I Contract Amount=Php 327,133.00
Jul/17/2023Notice of Award- Loakan Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment to be Used at Loakan Elementary School I Contract Amount=Php 65,400.00
Jul/13/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Blessed St. John Pharmaceuticals- Procurement of Supplies for the SBFP Beneficiary Schools I Contract Amount=Php 66,500.00
Jul/13/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi-expendable Office Equipment for the ALS Functional Training Center I Contract Amount=Php 128,800.00
Jul/07/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Ina's Sagada Inland Resort- Procurement of Meals, Snacks, Accommodation and Shuttle Service for the PRIME HRM Orientation Cum Benchmarking on PRIME HRM of Luis Hora Memorial Hospital on May 29 to 31, 2023 I ABC=Php 126,020.00
Jul/03/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Marand Resort and Spa (Beach Resort)- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Annual Review and Impact Assessment of ALS PPAs Cum Rebuilding Reflective Leadership and Spiritual Upliftment I Contract Amount=Php 91,000.
Jun/30/2023Notice of Award- Mabini Elementary School- Print Expert.Com- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for Graduation I Contract Amount=Php 100,329.00
Jun/22/2023Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Procurement of Materials for Graduation Use I Contract Amount=Php 60,100.00
Jun/22/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods- Procurement of Office and Janitorial Supplies for the 3rd Quarter CY 2023 I ABC=Php 76,712.00
Jun/20/2023Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Glotoc Tools and Industrial- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment and other Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 10,750.00
Jun/20/2023Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Semi Expendable Machinery and Equipment and other Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 27,000.00
Jun/16/2023Notice of Award Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Division Office Training for Child Protection Coordinators on May 20, 27 and June 3, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 62,720.00
Jun/14/2023Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Print Expert.Com- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of Graduation Rites I Contract Amount=Php 67,754.00
Jun/13/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Capacity Building Cum Strategic Goal Setting for Maximized Service Delivery I Contract Amount=Php 78,275.00
Jun/13/2023Notice of Award- Loakan Elementary School- Print Expert.Com- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of Graduation and Recognition Ceremonies I Contract Amount=Php 84,765.00
Jun/09/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Institutionalizing Technical Assistance in SDO-Baguio City Through Group and Work Management Process I Contract Amount=Php 78,000.00
Jun/08/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the 2023 Project Maestra Batch 4 I Contract Amount=Php 120,000.00
Jun/01/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Ecolodge- Procurement of Meals and Snacks Inclusive of A venue for the GST for GAD Coordinators I Contract Amount=Php 109,200.00
May/29/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services I Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Balancing Content and Strategy in the Science of Reading on May 26 to 28, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 66,360.00
May/29/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises I Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for ALS Operations I Contract Amount=Php 65,981.00
May/29/2023Notice of Award- Division Office-MH Properties Corporation I Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Capacity Building of ALS Teachers on Beginning Reading (Luzon 1) I Contract Amount=Php 950,000.00
May/24/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Evangel Sales and Services Inc.- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Upskilling and Reskilling of Supreme Pupil/Student Government Advisers on Advance Microsoft Applications for Empowered and Modernized Leadership I Contract Amount=Php 59,500.00
May/23/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the CARAA and RAF Awarding for Stakeholders I Contract Amount=Php 156,000.00
May/22/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 176,900.00
May/18/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Agana Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Canvass/Tarp for the PFVR Gym Floor Cover I Contract Amount=Php 123,500.00
May/12/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Lablife Specialty Clinics and Laboratory- Procurement of Annual Physical Examination for the SDO Employees I Contract Amount=Php 254,280.00
May/12/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Gold N Green Enterprises- Procurement of Office and Janitorial Supplies for the 2nd Quarter 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 79,303.53
May/09/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Bella Vista Resort- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Evaluation of SDO-Baguio Resource Book and Advocacy Materials I Contract Amount=Php 182,700.00
May/09/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Kebs Enterprises- Procurement of Medals for the Conduct of the City Meet Awarding and Recognition Program I Contract Amount=Php 94,010.00
May/09/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Weavetech Network Inc.- Procurement of Internet Connection Subscription for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 204,000.00
May/02/2023Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Be-Secure CCTV Installation and Trading- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Items I Contract Amount=Php 77,456.00
Apr/19/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- NUJ Printing Services- Procurement of Advocacy T-shirt and Jogging Pants and Tarpaulin for the Fitness Heroes SDO-Baguio City Employees (Phase 2) I Contract Amount=Php 130,240.00
Apr/18/2023Notice of Award- Mabini Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods Trading I Procurement of Smart TV for Instructional Purposes I Contract Amount=Php 52,500.00
Apr/17/2023Notice of Award- Bakakeng National High School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 77,360.00
Apr/12/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Tarilia Enterprises- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Supplies for the Fitness Heroes SDO Baguio City Employees Phase 2 I Contract Amount=Php 87,070.00
Mar/29/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of District Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment on February 22 to 24, 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 99,750.00
Mar/29/2023Notice of Award- Joaquin Smith National High School- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Office Supplies (Desktop Computers) I Contract Amount=Php 52,950.00
Mar/29/2023Notice of Award- Bakakeng Elementary School- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Tools and Equipment for LSEN of Bakakeng Elementary School I Contract Amount=Php 59,335.00
Mar/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Transportation and Manpower for the Delivery of Textbooks to all Schools in Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 54,000.00
Mar/16/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Orientation on the Procedural Guidelines on the Management of Cash Advances for School MOOE and other Program Funds of Non Implementing Units I Contact Amount=Php 60,450.00
Mar/16/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- The Orchard Hotel Baguio- Procurement of Venue and Meals for the Finalization of the Development of Contextualize and Integrative Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) and Assessment Tools in the Six Learning Standards I Contract Amount=Php 66,600.00
Mar/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Project Maestra Financial Literacy Series 2 Batch 2 I Contract Amount=Php 83,020.00
Mar/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Expendable ICT Equipment for Maintenance and Uptime of ICT Dependent Operations of the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 98,400.00
Mar/15/2023Notice of Award- Elpidio Quirino Elementary School- Sonador Snacks and Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks I Contract Amount=Php 61,250.00
Mar/09/2023Notice of Award- Doña Aurora National High School- MGF Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 53,981.00
Mar/09/2023Notice of Award- Doña Aurora National High School- Cokins Everywear General Merchandise- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 62,111.00
Mar/08/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Cokins General Merchandise- Procurement of Office and Janitorial Supplies for the First Quarter 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 69,480.00
Mar/03/2023Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for Midyear INSET 2022-2023 I Contract Amount=Php 70,788.00
Mar/03/2023Notice of Award- Don Mariano Elementary School- Procurement of School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 67,911.00
Mar/03/2023Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Procurement of Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 73,235.25
Mar/03/2023Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of School and Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 86,677.50
Mar/03/2023Notice of Award- SPED Center- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of 2023 INSET I Contract Amount=Php 73,500.00
Mar/01/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Medical and Dental Equipment and Supplies for Medical and Dental Use I Contract Amount=Php 91,892.00
Mar/01/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- SGS Healthcare Co.- Procurement of Dental Medicines and Supplies for Public Elementary Schools I Contract Amount=Php 97,432.20
Mar/01/2023Notice of Award- Bakakeng Elementary School- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment of Bakakeng Elementary School I Contract Amouont=Php 222,850.00
Feb/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Access Points for the SDO Part of the Network Infrastructure Enhancement Project Phase 2 I Contract Amount=Php 73,625.00
Feb/21/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Centigrade Refrigeration and Home Appliances Service Center- Procurement of Installation of Air Conditioning Machine at the ICT Unit I Contract Amount=Php 63,400.00
Feb/20/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Agana Consumer Goods- Procurement of COVID Kits for SDO Employees for the 3rd Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 227,850.00
Feb/17/2023Notice of Award- Mabini Elementary School- Lilian Orpilla- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the In-service Training of Mabini ES on February 6-10, 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 114,00.00
Feb/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Sports Supplies for the SSEEDP use I Contract Amount=Php 557,100.00
Feb/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Wasing Entertainment Production- Procurement of Radio Broadcasting Program for Advocacy Services of DepEd Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 75,000.00
Feb/15/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Computer Hardware for the Upgrade of DCPs (Graphic Tablets for the SHS Arts and Design Class of BCNHS using Batch 2018 DCP) I Contract Amount=Php 52,425.00
Feb/15/2023Notice of Award-Division Office- C&A Paradiso Beach Resort- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Convergence of DepEd CAR ITO I Contract Amount= Php 50,700.00
Feb/10/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Zymed Medical Distributors- Procurement of Medicines and Supplies for the Medical and Dental Use I Contract Amount=Php 80,095.00
Feb/10/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Roll-Out on the Orientation of the Agency Merit Selection Plan (MSP) and Recruitment Selection and Appointment (RSA) Guidelines I Contract Amount=Php 123,540.00
Feb/09/2023Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Paprica Events Management Service- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for INSET 2022-2023 I Contract Amount=Php 70,788.00
Feb/08/2023Notice of Award- Loakan Elementary School- Ban Bee Commercial- Procurement of Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 38,610.00
Feb/03/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Transportation During the Real Talk (Relax and Learn Team Building Activity for Leader with "K" I Contract Amount=Php 64,000.00
Feb/03/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Semi Expendable Equipment (Scanner) for the Review of Curriculum-Based Research for Contextualized Policy Recommendation I Contract Amount=Php 50,000.00
Feb/03/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Casaldo Lyndon Bacmor Security Agency- Procurement of Security Services at the Schools Division Office for 2023 I Contract Amount=Php 643,855.32
Feb/03/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- San Juan Resort Development Management Corporation- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Relax and Learn Team Building Activity with a "K" (REAL TALK) I Contract Amount=Php 192,000.00
Feb/03/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Daily Operation of COA Office I Contract Amount=Php 146,550.00
Jan/23/2023Notice of Award-Division Office- Blessed St. John Pharmaceutical and General Merchandise- Procurement of Medicines and Medical Supplies for the Consultation Treatment I Contact Amount=Php 141,593.00
Jan/23/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Procurement of Drum for the Reproduction Machine at LRMS Office I Contract Amount=Php 112,200.00
Jan/23/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- ION Hotel- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the FS-Budget Division Year-End Assessment and Planning Workshop for FY 2023 for DepEd Central Office I Contract Amount=Php 246,480.00
Jan/23/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Zymed Medical Distributors I Procurement of Multivitamins for the Learner Beneficiaries I Contract Amount=Php 201,970.00
Jan/23/2023Notice of Award- Josefa Carino Elementary School- Procurement of School and Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 86,677.50
Jan/13/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Newtown Plaza Hotel- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Conduct of BEMEF Division Roll-Out I Contract Amount=Php 70,800.00
Jan/12/2023Notice of Award- Dontogan Elementary School- Procurement of Security Services I Contract Amount=Php 379,176.00
Jan/11/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi Expendable ICT Equipment for the Implementation of the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) I Contract Amount=Php 98,863.50
Jan/11/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Software Licenses for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 52,150.00
Jan/11/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- G-String Bar and Restaurant- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children National Celebration I Contract Amount=Php 79,200.00
Jan/11/2023Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of SDO Year End Updates and Thanks Giving Program I Contract Amount=Php 78,000.00
Dec/29/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Gold N Green Enterprise- Procurement of Sports Equipment to Strengthen Expansion Platform in the Implementation of Alternative Learning System PPAs I Contract Amount=Php 81,826.50
Dec/29/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Low Cost Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Office Supplies for the Daily Operation of ALIVE Teachers I Contract Amount=Php 99,570.00
Dec/29/2022Notice of Award- Aguinaldo Elementary School- Low Cost Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Office Supplies and Printers I Contract Amount=Php 63,940.00
Dec/29/2022Notice of Award- Aguinaldo Elementary School- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Smart TV for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 47,800.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Chalet Baguio- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Becoming a Learning Detective: Formative Assessment for Early Language Literacy and Numeracy I Contract Amount=Php 106,200.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Ecolodge- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Preparation of SDO Baguio Resource Book and Advocacy Materials I Contract Amount=Php 110,000.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- G-String Bar and Restaurant- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Contextualization of Curriculum in all Learning Areas and Grade Levels I Contract Amount=Php 221,200.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Barrio Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Livestock (Pig) During the Conduct of IP Culminating Activity Presentation of Documented IKPs and Recognition of Contribution of Stakeholders in the Implementation of IPED I Contract Amount=Php 88,000.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- ION Hotel- Procurement of Board and Lodging During the Conduct of Workshop on the Finalization of the LCC Localization Policy I Contract Amount=Php 150,000.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Semi Expandable ICT Equipment and Accessories for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 575,700.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Microphone and Cables for the Enhancement of the SDO Sound System I Contract Amount=Php 119,690.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Eco Lodge- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Review of Curriculum-Based Researches I Contract Amount=Php 66,000.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for the Partnership Appreciation Program I Contract Amount=Php 60,408.00
Dec/20/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Desktop Computers to Strengthen Expansion Platform in the Implementation of Alternative Learning System PPAs I Contract Amount=Php 179,996.00
Dec/19/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Communication Expenses of Teachers Who Have Attended NEAP Recognized Online Program I Contract Amount=Php 189,930.00
Dec/19/2022Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Procurement of Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 74,635.00
Dec/19/2022Notice of Award- Dontogan Elementary School I CERJ Tech Office Supplies and Equipment Trading- Procurement of Office Supplies and Semi-Expendable Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 86,415.00
Nov/28/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Venue, Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Division Training on CSC Rules on Administrative Cases I Contract Amount=Php 192,600.00
Nov/28/2022Notice of Award- SPED Center- ML Consumer Goods- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School and Office Use I Contract Amount= 77,853.00
Nov/23/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- NUJ Printing Services- Procurement of Advocacy Shirts for END-VAWC I Contract Amount=Php 55,300.00
Nov/22/2022Notice of Award- Elpidio Quirino Elementary School- Double Base Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 161,000.00
Nov/22/2022Notice of Award= Doña Aurora National High School- MGF Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Repair and Maintenance of Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 193,390.00
Nov/22/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- MGF Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Semi-Expandable Equipment and other Materials I Contract Amount=Php 110,073.00
Nov/22/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- MGF Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Office Supplies and Other Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 88,703.00
Nov/22/2022Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Semi Expandable Machinery and Equipment and Other Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 59,810.00
Nov/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Bella Vista Resort- Procurement of Accommodation and Meals of Participants for the Seminar-Workshop on the Development of Contextualize and Integrative Learning Activity Sheets Assessment Tools in the Six Learning Standards or the Alternative Learning System I Contract Amount=Php 131,250.00
Nov/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Computer Components for Upgrade and Repair of Division Office Laptop and Desktop Computers 2 I Contract Amount=Php 75,975.00
Nov/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Upskilling of the District Supervisors, School Heads and Teachers on Inclusive Education I Contract Amount=Php 58,350.00
Nov/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Sean Print and Wait Printing Services- Procurement of Tumbler Bottles for the Conduct of Rewards Recognition for 2022 Service Awardees I Contract Amount=Php 138,250.00
Nov/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Brigada Pagbasa Program I Contract Amount=Php 72,900.00
Nov/21/2022Notice of Award- Loakan Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods, CERJ Tech Office Supplies and Equipment Trading, Gold N Green Enterprise- Procurement of Office Supplies for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 243,000.00, 86,985.00, 35,775.00
Nov/18/2022Notice of Award- Bakakeng National High School- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 86,450.00
Nov/18/2022Notice of Award- SPED Center- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School and Office Use I Contract Amount=Php 69,050.00
Nov/18/2022Notice of Award- Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School- Cerj Tech Office Suppliers and Equipment Trading-Procurement of Printers for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 95,385.00
Nov/18/2022Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Semi Expendable Machinery and Equipment for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 77,240.00
Nov/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Marand Resort and SPA- Procurement of Board and Lodging During the Conduct of DEDP 2022-2025 Finalization Phase 2 I Contract Amount=Php 240,000.00
Nov/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- EM Royalle Hotel- Procurement of Meals, Snacks and Accommodation of 2023 Corporate Planning and Budgeting I Contract Amount=Php 208,600.00
Nov/16/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of DSLR Camera Bag, Lens and Accessories for the Production of DepEd TV Episodes I Contract Amount=Php 104,575.00
Nov/16/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- The Orchard Hotel Baguio- Procurement of Meals and Snacks with Venue for the Conduct of Contextualization ALIVE Instructional Materials I Contract Amount=Php 108,000.00
Nov/16/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- G-String Bar and Restaurant- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Project Maestra on Financial Literacy I Contract Amount=Php 52,200.00
Oct/18/2022Notice of Award- Aguinaldo Elementary School- Procurement of Office Supplies and Printers I Contract Amount=Php 55,190.00
Oct/17/2022Notice of Award- Apolinario Mabini Elementary School- Copylandia Office Systems Inc.- Procurement of Riso Inks for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 73,100.00
Oct/17/2022Notice of Award- Rizal Elementary School- CERJ Tech Office Supplies and Equipment Trading- Procurement of Photocopier and Photocopier Toner I Contract Amount=Php 72,550.00
Oct/17/2022Notice of Award- Apolinario Mabini Elementary School- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for LSENs for Instructional Purposes I Contract Amount=Php 55,496.00
Oct/17/2022Notice of Award- Joaquin Smith National High School- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Office Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 208,890.00
Oct/06/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Agana Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of COVID Kits for SDO Employees for the Third Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 227,850.00
Oct/06/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Gracious Fast Food Corporation- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the 2022 Pammadayaw Awarding Program and World Teacher's Day Celebration I Contract Amount=Php 63,600.00
Oct/06/2022Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Sean and Print and Wait Printing Services- Procurement of Reproduction of Modules I ABC=Php 108,000.00
Oct/06/2022Notice of Award- Quirino Hill Elementary School- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies and Equipment for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 131,250.00
Oct/06/2022Notice of Award- Pinsao National High School- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Procurement of Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 62,999.82
Oct/04/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Procurement of Shuttle Services for the SDO Team Building Activity I Contract Amount=Php 84,500.00
Oct/04/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Reproduction of New K to 12 Aligned Learning Modules and for ALS Operation I Contract Amount=Php 137,508.00
Sep/21/2022Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Procurement of Reproduction of Self Learning Module I Contract Amount=Php 74,670.00
Sep/07/2022Notice of Award- Aguinaldo Elementary School- The Manager- Procurement Semi Expendable Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 122,400.00
Sep/07/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for Year-End In-Service Training I Contract Amount=Php 60,300.00
Sep/07/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Procurement of TV and TV Wall Mount Bracket I Contract Amount=Php 127,750.00
Sep/07/2022Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Procurement of Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 105,365.00
Sep/07/2022Notice of Award- Pinsao National High School- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Procurement of Reproduction of Modules I ABC=Php 62,999.82
Sep/07/2022Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Procurement of Bond Papers and Printers for the Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amnount=Php 232,050.00
Sep/07/2022Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Procurement of School Repair Materials for SY 2022-2023 I Contract Amount= Php 132,581.50
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Ritz Legarda- Procurement of Venue, Meals and Snacks for the Coordination Meeting on the Preparation of CY 2022 Midyear Financial Reports I Contract Amount=Php 26,400.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Sydblakes Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Learning Workshop on the Development of Assessment Package for Junior High School Level I Contract Amount=Php 25,200.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- The Stable Educational Supply- Procurement of Kit of Participants During the Training-Workshop on the Development Assessment for Junior HIgh School I Contract Amount=Php 3,570.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Division OPCRF/IPCRF Midyear Review on July 13, 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 15,540.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the 3rd Quarter Division MANCOM Meeting I Contract Amount=Php 15,720.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Preparation of Bridging Materials for MTB-MLE Q1 to Q4 Translation of all MTB-MLE SLMs to Filipino I Contract Amount=Php 24,090.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Division HRMPSB Assessment Meeting I Contract Amount=Php 5,320.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Dsitrict Seminar-Workshop on Bridging for K to 3 Teachers and School Heads I Contract Amount=Php 2,220.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Coordination Meeting on the Preparation of CY 2022 Mid-Year Financial Report I Contract Amount= Php 1,160.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Loakan Elementary School- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Graduation and Recognition Ceremonies I Contract Amount=Php 65,861.00
Aug/30/2022Notice of Award- Camp 7 Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 62,735.00
Aug/24/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 64,500.00
Aug/24/2022Notice of Award- Bakakeng National High School- Kebs Enterprises- Procurement of Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 52,000.00
Aug/24/2022Notice of Award- SPED Center- MMJ Photo Copy Center- Procurement of Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 59,850.00
Aug/24/2022Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar Elementary School- Qadar Souvenirs- Procurement of Medals and Certificate Holder for Graduation Use I Contract Amount=Php 43,450.00
Aug/23/2022RFQ>>> Division Office- Procurement of Soft Binding During the Conduct of DEDP 2022-2023 Finalization Phase 2 on September 13 to 15, 2022 I ABC=Php 10,000.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Procurement of Semi Expandable and Supplies and Materials for School Use I Contract Amount= Php 53,750.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- Print Expert.Com- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Graduation I Contract Amount= Php 80,470.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- Procurement of Construction Materials for School Use I Contract Amount= Php 93,264.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Sto. Tomas Elementary School- Procurement of Semi Expandables and Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 79,400.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Dontogan Elementary School- Gold Ink Printing Shop, Kebs Enterprise, Qadar Souvenirs- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Moving Up Ceremony I Contract Amount=Php 44,923.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Bakakeng Elementary School- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Printers for Reproduction of SML/LM I Contract Amount= Php 77,600.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora National High School- MGF Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Office Use I Contract Amount=Php 77,291.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Closing and Graduation Program I Contract Amount=Php 55,805.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Sean Print and Wait Printing Services- Procurement of Reproduction of Self-Learning Materials I Contract Amount= Php 88,200.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Sean Print and Wait Printing Services- Procurement of Graduation Package for Grade 6 and Kindergarten I Contract Amount=Php 70,771.00
Aug/22/2022Notice of Award- Pinget Elementary School- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Semi Expendables for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 83,120.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- G-String Bar and Restaurant- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Preparation of Lesson Exemplars Based on IPED Framework in all Learning Areas Across Grade Levels I Contract Amount=Php 261,700.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Software Licenses for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 53,290.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- ACARE Med Corp- Procurement of Laboratory Examination Services for the Annual Laboratory Examination of DepEd Division Office Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 213,530.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Induction Program for Beginning Teachers I Contract Amount=Php 54,400.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- DKLR Enterprise- Procurement of Materials and Supplies to Support the Implementation SBFP I Contract Amount=Php 184,199.40
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Championing SBM Through Benchmarking Activities I Contract Amount=Php 91,200.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- SGS Healthcare Co.- Procurement of Covid Kits for SDO Employees for the 2nd Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 259,875.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Office and Janitorial Supplies for SDO Baguio for the 2nd Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 73,450.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- C & A Paradiso Beach Resort- Procurement of Meals, Snacks, Venue and Accommodation for the SDO Team Building Activity on June 30 to July 1, 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 252,000.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Icelander Rent a Car- Procurement of Transportation Service to Deliver Nutritious Products and Pasteurized Milk to SBFP School Recipient I Contract Amount=Php 117,000.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Presentation Portfolio Assessment Year 3 ALS I Contract Amount=Php 90,468.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- C & A Paradiso Beach Resort- Procurement of Meals, Snacks, Board and Lodging and Accommodation for the Packaging of Contextualized Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 106,950.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the District Seminar-Workshop on Bridging for K to 3 Teachers and School Heads I Contract Amount=Php 65,481.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- San Juan Resort Development Management Corporation- Procurement of Board and Lodging for the Conduct of Non-Teaching Training Development NTIP Phase II I Contract Amount=Php 139,000.00
Aug/18/2022Notice of Award- Division Office Anaya's Catering- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Presentation Portfolio Assessment Year 3 for ALS I Contract Amount=Php 75,411.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the PD Program KSS for Teachers Project MAESTRA I Contract Amount=Php 70,000.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Computer Components for the Upgrade and Repair of Division Laptops and Computer Desktops I Contract Amount=Php 123,869.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Computer Components for the Upgrade and Repair of Division Office Laptops and Computer Desktops I Contract Amount=Php 123,896.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- G-String Bar and Restaurant- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Preparation of Bridging Materials for MTB-MLE Q1 to Q4 I Contract Amount=Php 57,600.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Preparation of Supplementary Materials on Ilokano Baguio Vocabularies I Contract Amount=Php 60,000.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Office and Janitorial Supplies for the 3rd Quarter 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 69,270.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Shelves to be Used in the Supply Office I Contract Amount=Php 102,280.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Maintenance of Comfort Room and Water Plumbing System I Contract Amount=Php 52,970.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Original Inks for the Division Office Use I Contract Amount=Php 80,055.00
Aug/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of High Density Wi-Fi Access Point and Controllers for the Project HyTEQ and Virtual Classroom Recipients I Contract Amount=Php 396,850.00
Jun/21/2022Notice of Award- Loakan Elementary School- Gold Ink Printing Shop, Qadar Souvenirs, The Stable Educational Supply, Kebs Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of Graduation and Recognition Ceremonies I Contract Amount=Php 65,861.00
Apr/26/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- New Town Plaza Hotel- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of CY 2021 Exit Conference I Contract Amount=Php 10,000.00
Apr/26/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation of RO Personnel to SDO for PMIS Implementation I Contract Amount=Php 30,400.00
Apr/26/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Cabling Materials for the Upgrade of Network Infrastructure at the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 40,950.00
Apr/26/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies for the First and Third DisMEA I Contract Amount=Php 17,447.50
Apr/26/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Marcianas Handicrafts Stire- Procurement of Supplies for the First Quarter DismEA I Contract Amount=Php 14,250.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Ecolodge- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Activities and Use of Materials Involving Aspects of Indigenous Peoples Culture I Contract Amount=Php 15,200.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Ecolodge- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct Evaluation, Finalization and Validation of MTB-MLE Four Minima Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 45,600.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of 2022 First Quarter DMEA I Contract Amount=Php 19,000.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Mhigs Construction- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Repair and Replacement of Broken Glass Door of Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 24,400.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Erundina Flordeliza Food Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Division HRMPSB Assessment Meetings from November to December 2021 I Contract Amount=Php 15,750.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Division Management Committee (ManCom) and Field Staff Meetings on November and December 2021 I Contract Amount=Php 18,000.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Kebs Enterprises- Procurement of Office Supplies to be Used in the Implementation of Brigada Pagbasa Advocacy Program of SDO Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 18,288.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Kebs Enterprises- Procurement of Plaques to be Awarded During the Partnership Appreciation Program of SDO Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 26,400.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- The Stable Educational Supply- Procurement of Supplies for the Revisit of IPED Curriculum Framework I Contract Amount=Php 16,410.00
Apr/22/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Kebs Enterprises- Procurement of Plaques for Awarding During the Partnership Appreciation Program of SDO Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 12,960.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Sydblakes Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Division Management Committee for the First Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 12,800.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Qadar Souvenirs- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Division Learning Action Cell on Phil IRI I Contract Amount=Php 16,560.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Administration of "Programmefor International Student Assessment (PISA) I Contract Amount=Php 4,420.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Hybrid Training Workshop on Learning Management System (LMS) Course Package Batch 1 I Contract Amount=Php 34,200.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Advocacy Umbrella for the Conduct of National Women's Month Celebration 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 27,3000.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Anaya's Catering Servies- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Provision Technical Assistance on the Quarterly Evaluation of the Most Essential Learning Competencies of Self-Learning Modules Assessment Learning Outcomes on March 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 11,070.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Tarpaulin for the Conduct of Pinggang Pinoy and 10 Kumainments IEC I Contract Amount=Php 28,978.75
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Meals and Accommodation for the First Quarter Interface with SDO Counterpart and Convergence with Stakeholders of Host SDO (Legal Services) I Contract Amount=Php 54,900.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Finalization and 2nd Surveillance Audit on ISO 9001:2015 at the SDO Baguio City I Contract Amount=Php 49,800.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Automatic Thermos Scanner with Alcohol Dispenser and Stand for SDO Baguio I Contract Amount=Php 8,000.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- H100 Ecolodge- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the CID LAC Sessions and Planning for IPED Activities I Contract Amount=Php 23,400.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office-Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Semi-Expendables for the Conduct of Activities Involving IP Cultures: Documentation and Advocacy Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 23,700.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Procurement of Supplies for the Orientation on the Utilization of Bridging Primer for Grade 2 and 3 I Contract Amount=Php 22,950.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Self-Inking Stamps for ASDS Office Use I Contract Amount=Php 1,480.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Gracious Fast Food Corporation- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the National Women's Month Celebration 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 29,164.00
Apr/21/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Kebs Enterprises- Procurement of Tarpaulin for National Womens Month Celebration 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 576.00
Apr/05/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- RC Pulmano Construction and Supply- Procurement of Construction Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 152,385.00
Mar/24/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Be-Secure CCTV Installation- Procurement of CCTV Package with Installation I Contract Amount=Php 136,600.00
Mar/24/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Cokins Everywear General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 46,720.00
Mar/24/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora National High School- Cokins Everywear General Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 50,580.00
Mar/24/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora National High School- MGF Consumer Goods Trading- Procurement of LSEN Materials Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 69,175.00
Mar/23/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora National High School- Magaray General Merchandise- Procurement of Medical Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 67,333.00
Mar/23/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora National High School- Magaray General Merchandise- Procurement of School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 93,085.00
Mar/23/2022Notice of Award- Dontogan Elementary School- Karl B. Gabaen- Procurement of Security Services I Contract Amount=Php 133,000.00
Mar/21/2022Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Magaray Gen. Merchandise- Procurement of Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 50,995.00
Mar/18/2022Notice of Award- Don Mariano Elementary School- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Office Use I ABC=Php 60,569.00
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Office and School Supplies and Equipment for CY 2022 I Contract Amount=Php 102,506.32
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for BAC Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 156,100.00
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Rehabilitation of Structural Cabling and CCTV Systems I Contract Amount=Php 223,100.00
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Procurement of School Supplies and Janitorial Supplies for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 70,020.00
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- MHIGS Construction- Procurement of Installation of Glass Partition for SDS Office I Contract Amount=Php 155,000.00
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Computer Components for Upgrade and Repair of DCPs with Lapsed Warranty I Contract Amount=Php 74,050.00
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Micromedia Technologies- Procurement of Computer Components for Upgrade and Repair of DCPs with Lapsed Warranty I Contract Amount=Php 98,225.00
Mar/17/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Procurement of Construction Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 62,115.00
Mar/16/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Procurement of Construction Materials for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 53,568.00
Feb/22/2022Notice of Award- Pinsao National High School- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Printers I Contract Amount=Php 219,780.00
Feb/15/2022Notice of Award- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Qadar Souvenirs- Procurement of Office and Schools Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 102,506.32
Feb/14/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Eric C. Baldo Land Surveying- Procurement of Lot Survey Requirement for Application for the Issuance of Special Patent I Contract Amount=Php 240,000.00
Feb/10/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Sidekick Force Investigation and Security Services- Security Services I Contract Amount=Php 395,999.88
Feb/10/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies for the Preparation of Lesson Exemplars I Contract Amount=Php 92,480.00
Feb/03/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Supplies and Materials Equipment for Alternative Learning System I Contract Amount=Php 384,449.00
Feb/02/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Reliqua Trading- Tumbler for Recognition Program for 2021 Service Awardess I Contract Amount=Php 87,750.00
Jan/31/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Scarlet Rose Tavern- Supplies for the IP Month Culminating Activity and Recognition Stakeholders I Contract Amount=Php 105,200.00
Jan/31/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Additional Supplies and Materials for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries I Contract Amount=Php 83,551.00
Jan/31/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Implementation of BPLP I Contract Amount=Php 56,450.00
Jan/31/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- Sidekick Force Investigation & Security Services- Security Services I Contract Amount=Php 522,000.00
Jan/31/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- IT Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 66,000.00
Jan/31/2022Notice of Award- Elpidio Quirino Elementary School- Femjeg Security Agency- Security Services I Contract Amount= Php 367,200.00
Jan/31/2022Notice of Award- Bonifacio Elementary School- Femjeg Security Agency- Security Services I Contract Amount=Php 176,400.00
Jan/06/2022Notice of Award- Kebs Enterprises- Division Office- Plaques for Recognition Program for 2021 Service Awardees I Contract Amount=Php 53,750.00
Jan/06/2022Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Division Office- Dental Supplies and Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 92,060.00
Jan/06/2022Notice of Award- Quezon Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 56,027.52
Jan/05/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School Irisan- The Manager- Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 53,550.00
Jan/05/2022Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 51,000.00
Jan/05/2022Notice of Award- Division Office- AC Tiban Surveying Office- Lot Survey Requirement for Application for the Issuance of Special Patent I Contract Amount=Php 600,000.00
Jan/04/2022Notice of Award- The Manager- Baguio City National Science High School Irisan- Construction Materials I Contract Amount=Php 62,115.00
Dec/21/2021Notice of Award- SPED Center- MMJ Photo Copy Center- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 54,914.00
Dec/20/2021Notice of Award- Pinget Elementary School- Sean Print and Wait Printing Press- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 50,573.95
Dec/20/2021Notice of Award- Kias Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 65,535.00
Dec/16/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Sean Print and Wait Printing Services- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 49,455.00
Dec/14/2021Notice of Award- Pinsao National High School- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 47,864.70
Dec/14/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- Alicia Refe- Meals and Snacks for Upskilling of EIM Training Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 52,272.00
Dec/13/2021Notice of Award- Lucban Elementary School- The Manager- School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 86,850.00
Dec/13/2021Notice of Award- Lucban Elementary School- The Manager- Security Services I Contract Amount=Php 378,000.00
Dec/09/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- ML Consumer Goods Trading- IT Equipment for the Digitization and Contextualization of Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 259,799.00
Dec/09/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- Panghoi Enterprises- Printers for BEEP I Contract Amount=Php 69,930.00
Dec/07/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Sean Print and Wait Printing Services- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 49,455.00
Dec/07/2021Notice of Award- Elpidio Quirino Elementary School- ML Consumer Goods Trading- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 54,615.00
Dec/07/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Computer Components for Upgrade and Repair I Contract Amount=Php 68,840.00
Dec/07/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- Hexacom Enterprises- Entry Level Laptop for Finance Personnel (IUs and SDO) I Contract Amount=Php 296,000.00
Dec/07/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- Tarilja Enterprises- Office Supplies and Janitorial Supplies for the Division Office 3rd Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 77,081.25
Dec/07/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- Ebai's Cafe and Pastry- Meals and Snacks for Digitization and Contextualization of Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 53,580.00
Nov/29/2021Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Signs of Success- Installation of Acrylic Barriers I Contract Amount=Php 83,850.00
Nov/29/2021Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- The Stable Educational Supply- Supplies and Materials for Repair of Gate and Fence I Contract Amount=Php 87,045.00
Nov/26/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- RUML Transport- Transportation of Delivery of Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 315,250.00
Nov/23/2021Notice of Award- Fort Del Pilar Annex- Wi-al Construction Builders- Construction Materials for School Clinic I Contract Amount=Php 68,535.00
Nov/23/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- TSS Corporation- Printers and Hard Drives for Accounting Unit I Contract Amount=Php 51,855.00
Nov/18/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Print Expert.Com- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 90,229.00
Nov/18/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 71,664.06
Nov/18/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Semi-Expendible Machinery I Contract Amount=Php 39,477.00
Nov/18/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Print Expert.Com- Reproduction of Modules I ABC=Php 110,007.00
Nov/18/2021Notice of Award- Dominican Mirador Elementary School- Panghoi Enterprises- School Mitigation/Materials to Fight Covid 19 I Contract Amount=Php 80,712.00
Nov/18/2021Notice of Award- Bonifacio Elementary School- COSCO Electronic Security System- Services for Monitoring of School Facilities I Contract Amount=Php 43,800.00
Nov/11/2021Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Pullbox, Router, PDX Wire, Television I Contract Amount=Php 109,300.00
Nov/11/2021Notice of Award- Doña Aurora H. Bueño Elementary School- Cokins- Covid Related Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 78,311.00
Nov/09/2021Notice of Award- Agana Consumer Goods Trading- Two-way radio for the Division Pilot Testing I Contract Amount=Php 170,400.00
Nov/09/2021Notice of Award- Gerard Getty I Covid Kits for SDO Baguio Employees I Contract Amount=Php 249,000.00
Nov/09/2021Notice of Award- NUJ Printing Services I T-shirts and Tarpaulin for the Gender Analysis Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 109,420.00
Nov/09/2021Notice of Award- NUJ Printing Services- T-shirts and Tarpaulin for the Empowering Non-Teaching Employees I Contract Amount=Php 154,250.00
Nov/09/2021Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Rianella Printing Press- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 46,608.52
Nov/04/2021Notice of Award- Razel Enterprises- Printer Inks for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 77,640.00
Nov/04/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Covid-19 Items for Minimum Health Standards I Contract Amount=Php 60,880.00
Oct/25/2021Notice of Award- Signs of Success- Materials and Installation of Plastic Barriers I Contarct Amount=Php 76,000.00
Oct/19/2021Notice of Award- Cokins- Doña Aurora H. Bueno Elementary School- Covid Related Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 78,311.00
Oct/14/2021Notice of Award- Eunique Care Medical Supplies Trading- School Supplies and Needs for Health Protocols I Contract Amount=Php 97,940.00
Oct/14/2021Notice of Award- Mont Blanc Storehouse- Plaques for the Awardees of the 2021 Pammadayaw I Contract Amount=Php 52,500.00
Oct/08/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Semi Expendable Equipment for SDO Baguio I Contract Amount=Php 50,875.00
Oct/08/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Materials for SBFP- Contract Amount=Php 362,713.50
Oct/08/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Equipment for SBPF Program I Contract Amount=Php 291,648.00
Oct/08/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for Hybrid Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 148,500.00
Oct/08/2021Notice of Award- Flory Gorio- Transportation Vehicle to Deliver Nutritious Food Products (SBFP) I Contract Amount=Php 103,500.00
Oct/08/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Supplies and Materials for Covid-19 Response I Contract Amount=Php 80,290.00
Oct/05/2021Notice of Award- TSS Corporation- Television and Storage Box for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 53,200.00
Oct/04/2021Notice of Award- Eunique Care Medical Supplies Trading- School Supplies and Needs for the Provision of Health Protocols Contract Amount=Php 97,940.00
Oct/04/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Supplies for Preparing and Responding to Covid-19 Threats I Contract Amount=Php 56,820.00
Oct/04/2021Notice of Award- Blessed St. John Pharmaceuticals and General Merchandise- Supplies and Materials for Loakan Elementary School I Contract Amount=Php 106,759.00
Sep/27/2021Notice of Award- The Stable Educational Supply- Supplies for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 73,780.00
Sep/24/2021Notice of Award- Eunique-Care Medical Supplies Trading- Supplies for he Provision of New Normal Set-up for Minimum Health Standard I Contarct Amount=Php 68,000.00
Sep/22/2021Notice of Award- Magaray General Merchandise- School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 60,245.00
Sep/14/2021Notice of Award- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Materials for Reproduction of Student's Modules I Contract Amount=Php 322,290.00
Sep/14/2021Notice of Award- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Printers and Other Printing Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 69,426.00
Sep/14/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Installation of Acrylic Barriers I Contact Amount=Php 84,850.00
Sep/10/2021Notice of Award-Mircomedia Technologies- Equipment for Online Classes and Copier Consumables I Contract Amount=Php 58,980.00
Sep/09/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Installation of Acrylic Barriers I ABC=Php 84,850.00
Sep/09/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Health Kit for the Conduct of Hybrid Training Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 75,000.00
Sep/09/2021Notice of Award- Hezekiah's Restaurant and Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Appreciating the Basics of ABC I Contract Amount=Php 46,180.00
Sep/09/2021Notice of Award- Pines Mamitas Bulaluhan- Meals and Snacks for the Vaccination Team and HSO Official I Contract Amount=Php 90,000.00
Sep/09/2021Notice of Award- Wi-al Construction Builders- Materials for the Shelves of Supply Office and COA I Contract Amount=Php 95,390.00
Sep/09/2021Notice of Award- CERJ Tech Office Supplies and Equipment Trading- Semi-expendable Machinery and Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 53,310.00
Sep/09/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Office Supplies of Loakan Elementary School I Contract Amount=Php 70,275.00
Sep/07/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- COVID Related Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 65,000.00
Aug/27/2021Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Cokins Everywear & General Merchandise- Filling Storage and Printing Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 72,995.00
Aug/25/2021Notice of Award- Business Machines Corporation- Printer for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 115,960.00
Aug/23/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- School and Office Supplies for Covid Response I Contract Amount=Php 59,455.00
Aug/20/2021Bids and Awards Committee – Resolution No. 003, S. 2021 – Recommending the Award of Contract through Small Value Procurement to Cokins Everywear & General Merchandise for the Procurement of Schools and Office Supplies for COVID Response
Aug/19/2021Notice of Award- H100 Ecolodge- Meals and Snacks for the 2021 Pammadayaw I Contract Amount=Php 74,000.00
Aug/18/2021Notice of Award- Manzano Dental Supplies Trading- Supplies and Materials for Vaccination I Contract Amount=Php 74,170.00
Aug/12/2021Notice of Award- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Cokins Everywear- Filling Storage and Printing Supplies of SLM I Contract Amount=Php 72,955.00
Aug/10/2021Notice of Award- Bonifacio Elementary School- Union Construction- Supplies for Brigada Eskwela I Contract Amount=Php 60,196.00
Aug/09/2021Notice of Award- Scarlet Rose- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Recognition Program Salamat Mabuhay I Contract Amount=Php 89,2500.00
Aug/06/2021Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- The Manager- Equipment and Supplies for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 82,240.00
Aug/06/2021Notice of Award- Baguio City SPED Center- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 48,100.00
Aug/02/2021Notice of Award- Pinget Elementary School- Rianella Printing Press- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 46,232.55
Aug/01/2021Notice of Award- Doña Aurora H. Bueno Elementary School- MMJ Photo Copy Center- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 93,830.00
Jul/21/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 71,664.06
Jul/21/2021Notice of Award- Pinget Elementary School- Rianella Printing Press- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 46,232.55
Jul/14/2021Notice of Award- Division Office- Mhigs Construction- Construction Materials and Services for Accounting Office I Contract Amount=Php 123,000.00
Jul/12/2021Notice of Award- Baguio City National Science High School- Wi-Al Construction Builders I Contract Amount=Php 42,655.00
Jul/12/2021Notice of Award- Dominican-Mirador National High School- Rianella Printing Press- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 47,428.68
Jul/12/2021Notice of Award- Loakan Elementary School- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 87,155.00
Jul/08/2021Notice of Award- Elpidio R. Quirinio Elementary School- CERJ Tech Office Supplies & Equipment Trading- School Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 165,755.00
Jul/08/2021Notice of Award- Bonifacio Elementary School- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 156,260.00
Jul/06/2021Notice of Award- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 71,500.00
Jul/06/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Office and Janitorial Supplies for the 2nd Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 88,549.00
Jul/06/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Original Ink Printers for Division Office 2nd Quarter I Contract Amount=Php 56,875.00
Jul/02/2021Notice of Award- Holy Ghost Extension Elementary School- Waymes Computers and Prints- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 51,104.00
Jul/02/2021Notice of Award- Holy Ghost Extension Elementary School- Cokins General Merchandise- School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 52,087.50
Jul/01/2021Notice of Award- Elpidio Quirino Elementary School- Rianella Printing Press- School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 173,041.20
Jul/01/2021Notice of Award- Quirinio Hill Elementary School- Waymes Computer and Print- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 102,752.51
Jun/29/2021Notice of Award- Joas De Vera Copy Center- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 116,379.00
Jun/29/2021Notice of Award- Doña Aurora H. Bueno Elementary School- MMJ Photo Copy Center- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 93,830.00
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Marciana's Handicrafts- Token for IP Culminating I Contract Amount=Php 3,360.00
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the IP Culminating and Recognition I Contract Amount=Php 4,830.00
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Flowers for the IP Culminating and Recognition I Contract Amount=Php 3,600.00
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Wi-al Construction Builders- Materials for the Beautification of SDO Training Center Stage I Contract Amount=Php 15,602.00
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Materials for Reproduction I Contract Amount=Php 86,830.00
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Signs of Success General Merchandise- Tarpaulin for the Mag-aaral mo, Pagbasahin mo I Contract Amount=Php 2,081.50
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Jollibee Foods Corp.- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of 22nd Knowledge Sharing I Contract Amount Php= 30,492.00
Jun/24/2021Notice of Award- Bakakeng National High School- Kebs Enterprises- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 131,999.50
Jun/22/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Dominican Mirador National High School- School and Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 53,735.00
Jun/22/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear- Dominican Mirador National High School- Semi-Expandable Machinery Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 69,000.00
Jun/22/2021Notice of Award- The Stable Educational Supply- Dominican Mirador National High School- Semi-Expandable Machinery Equipment I Contract Amount=Php 63,000.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Likhang Obra Enterprises- Ergonomic Office Chair for Legal Officer I Contract Amount=Php 12,000.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Division Workshop on the Enhanced Quality Assurance I Contract Amount=Php 3,577.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Jollibee Magsaysay Avenue Baguio City- Meals and Snacks for Orientation on Video Editing for DepEd Manual Styles I Contract Amount=Php 8,866.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Erundina Flordeliza Food Services- Meals and Snacks for the Meeting in Preparation for the Upcoming Activities on Contextualization I Contract Amount=Php 10,500.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for Division Story Book Writeup I Contract Amount=Php 48,000.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Seminar Workshop on Enhancing the Skills of Illustrators I Contract Amount=Php 36,000.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Caddies Development Corp.- Meals and Snacks for IPED LAC Session and Meeting I Contract Amount=Php 24,000.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Erundina Flordeliza Food Service- Meals and Snacks for the Meeting in Preparation for the Upcoming Activities I Contract Amount=Php 11,700.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Writeshop on the Evaluation of Contextualized Indigenized Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 12,000.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Interface Workshop on the Finalization of Para-Curriculum I Contract Amount=Php 12,950.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Erundina Flordeliza Food Services- Meals and Snacks for the IPED LAC Session Guidelines I Contract Amount=Php 11,400.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Workshop on Preparation of Curriculum Web I Contract Amount=Php 12,000.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Data Base Server for Planning and Research I Contract Amount=Php 4,950.00
Jun/18/2021Notice of Award- The Stable Educational Supply- Supplies for the Binding of the 2021 to 2023 HRDM Plan I Contract Amount=Php 1,130.00
Jun/17/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Video Editing Perpetual License for Schools I Contract Amount=Php 308,000.00
Jun/17/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Noise-Cancelling Business App Certified Headset, Standard USB Stereo Headsets and Web Cam for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 347,600.00
Jun/17/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Cell Cards for the Participants of the 7 Learning Areas I Contract Amount=Php 111,300.00
Jun/17/2021Notice of Award- Qureplus Corp.- Supplies to be Used for the Disinfection of SDO Baguio Offices I Contract Amount=Php 59,100.00
Jun/17/2021Notice of Award- Emiliano Veneracion- Meals and Snacks for the Division Selection Committee Meetings I Contract Amount= Php 55,800.00
Jun/15/2021Notice of Award- MMJ Photocopy Center- Loakan Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 160,110.28
Jun/14/2021Notice of Award- Rizal National High School- Supplies for Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 71,500.00
Jun/10/2021Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Supplies and Materials for Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 50,400.00
Jun/08/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Internet Expense RM No. 329, S. 2020- Likha Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 6,330.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for Division Training Workshop on the Enhanced Learning Resource I Contract Amount=Php 27,756.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Conduct of Legal Service Year-End Monitoring I Contract Amount=Php 530.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Jollibee Magsaysay- Meals and Snacks for the Capacity Building Activities I Contract Amount=Php 19,760.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for TWG in the Orientation on Video Editing I Contract Amount=Php 2,100.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Conduct of Appraisal of Key Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 3,600.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Adolfo Realty Corporation- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of ELLN Digital Course I Contract Amount=Php 34,720.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Conduct of DFSSG Officer's Convergence for SY 2020 to 2021 I Contract Amount=Php 8,904.00
Jun/07/2021Notice of Award- Froy-Zeny Transport- Transportation Service for the Delivery of Food Products to SBFP School Beneficiaries I Contract Amount=Php 33,000.00
Jun/02/2021Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Baguio City National Science High School- Printer for School Use I Contract Amount=Php 63,745.00
Jun/01/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Pinsao Elementary School- Supplies for Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 96,195.00
Jun/01/2021Notice of Award- EVC Consumer Goods Trading- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- School and Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 75,000.00
Jun/01/2021Notice of Award- Print Expert.Com- Fairview Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 66,955.20
Jun/01/2021Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Baguio City National Science High School- Procurement of Printers I Contract Amount=Php 58,250.00
May/31/2021Notice of Award - Print Expert.Com - Photocopy/Reproduction of Learning Modules I Amount Php. 66, 955.20
May/31/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Conduct of Orientation on Video Editing Advocacy I Contract Amount=Php 3,710.00
May/31/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Conduct of Virtual Training for Teachers I Contract Amount=Php 8,480.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Participants in the PTA Education Summit I Contract Amount=Php 9,328.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Dad's Place Transient House and Restaurant- Snacks for the Implementation of Oplan Kalusugan I Contract Amount=Php 3,420.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Zymed Medical Distributors- Supplies for the Implementation of Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd Program I Contract Amount=Php 7,488.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Diseño Souvenir Shop- Customized T-shirts for the Implementation of Oplan Kalusugan I Contract Amount=Php 14,880.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Likhang Obra Enterprises- Ergonomic Office Chairs I Contract Amount=Php 48,000.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Printers for TLE EPS and PSDS I Contract Amount=Php 16,700.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Printer for Social Mobilization I Contract Amount=Php 14,999.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Zymed Medical Distributors- Medical Supplies for the Project Kalayaan I Contract Amount=Php 37,375.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Scarlet Rose Tavern- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Writeshop on Contextualization I Contract Amount=Php 42,000.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Feliciana Mendoza- Closed Van Rental I Contract Amount=Php 24,000.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Pnaghoi Enterprises- Supplies for Division Storybook Writeshop I Contract Amount=Php 42,000.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Scarlet Rose- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of ALS Computer Based A&E Test I Contract Amount=Php 16,200.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Writeshop Contextualized Indigenized Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 12,000.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Baguio City Government Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Stakeholders Convergence Meeting I Contract Amount=Php 15,000.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- Supplies and Materials for the Continuous Implementation of Madrasah I Contract Amount=Php 481,950.00
May/28/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Midyear Performance Review I Contract Amount=Php 25,025.00
May/27/2021Notice of Award- Gablets Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for Shooting Episodes on DepEd TV I Contract Amount=Php 17,450.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Equipment for Noise Cancelling Business App Certified Headsets, Audio Interface and Conference Microphone System for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 195,300.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Joas De Vera Copy Center- Adiwang Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 100,000.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Magaray General Merchandise- Doña Aurora High School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 154,610.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Magaray General Merchandise- Doña Aurora Elementary School- Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 213,400.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards as Communication Allowance for SDO Employees I Contract Amount=Php 54,495.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Promoting GAD Responsive Governance I Contract Amount=Php 59,000.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Supplies for Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 474,000.00
May/26/2021Notice of Award- Razel Enterprises- Baguio City National Science High School- Printers and Bond Paper I Contract Amount=Php 33,000.00
May/12/2021Notice of Award- The Stable Educational Supply- Baguio City National Science High School- Printer and Bond Paper I Contract Amount=Php 32,550.00
May/07/2021Notice of Award- Gold Ink Printing Shop- Bonifacio Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 174,897.20
May/07/2021Notice of Award- Joas De Vera Copy Center- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 116,379.00
May/07/2021Notice of Award- Print Expert.Com- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Office and School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 160,320.00
May/07/2021Notice of Award- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Office and School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 167,450.00
May/07/2021Notice of Award- Print Expert.Com- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 90,229.00
May/06/2021Notice of Awards- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Conduct of Partnership Building Activities I Contract Amount=Php 3,836.00
May/06/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Online and Offline Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 94,346.00
May/06/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Materials for the Use of Bids and Awards Committee I Contract Amount=Php 68,078.00
May/06/2021Notice of Award New- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for Workshop on a 3 Year Strategic Plan I Contract Amount=Php 27,984.00
May/06/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Participants for the Conduct of Local Stakeholder's Convergence I Contract Amount=Php 15,900.00
May/06/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Materials for Brigada Eskwela I Contract Amount=Php 14,593.00
May/06/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Project Kalayaan School Family Community Synergy I Contract Amount=Php 21,306.00
May/06/2021Notice of Award- Kebs Enterprise- Pinsao National High School- Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 60,868.80
May/05/2021Notice of Award- Chaniel's Photocopying and Book Binding Services- Sto. Tomas Elementary School- Reprosuction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 59,328.00
May/05/2021Notice of Award- Waymes Computer and Print- Quirino Hill Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 56,402.00
May/05/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Elpidio Quirino Elementary School- School Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 95,476.00
May/03/2021Notice of Award- Erundina Flordeliza- Meals and Snacks for the Shooting Episodes on DepEd TV I Contract Amount=Php 21,000.00
May/03/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Office use of ASDS I Contract Amount=Php 21,275.00
May/03/2021Notice of Award- Kebs Enterprises- Plaques for the Conduct of Shapulan ni Ashal I Contract Amount=Php 18,000.00
May/03/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Shapulan ni Ashal I Contract Amount=Php 25,500.00
May/03/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Materials for the Weekly Disinfection I Contract Amount=Php 55,675.00
May/03/2021Notice of Award- Likhang Obra Enterprises- Clear Acrylic Barrier for OSDS, CID and SGOD Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 185,150.00
Apr/30/2021Notice of Award- MMJ Photocopy Center- Manuel A. Roxas Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 107,488.00
Apr/30/2021Notice of Award- MMJ Photocopy Center- Manuel A. Roxas Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 58,160.00
Apr/30/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Materials for Oplan Kalusugan I Contract Amount=Php 23,378.00
Apr/30/2021Notice of Award- Diseño Souvenir Shop- T-shirts for the Implementation of Oplan Kalusugan I Contract Amount=Php 14,880.00
Apr/30/2021Notice of Award- Jollibee Magsaysay- Meals and Snacks for Performance Planning Forum I Contract Amount=Php 28,130.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Wi-Al Construction Builders- Construction Materials for the Repair of the SGOD Chief Office I Contract Amount=Php 27,907.50
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Carolinas Dress Shop- Cultural Uniform for SDO Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 165,000.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- HDMI Equipment for SDO Use I Contract Amount=Php 99,499.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Supplies for the Replacement and Upgrade of Components I Contract Amount=Php 91,380.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Sound System Equipment and Peripherals for the SDO Proper I Contract Amount=Php 79,631.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Froy-Zeny Transport- Shuttle Service for the Implentation of Minimum Health Standards I Contract Amount=Php 243,900.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Diseño Souvenir Shop- Fiber Glass Barrier for the Implementation of Minimum Health Standards I Contract Amount=Php 159,040.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Zymed Medical Distributors- Equipment and Supplies for the Implementation of Minimum Health Standards I Contract Amount=Php 776,000.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise - Printing Equipment to Support and Provide Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 88,200.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Supplies to Support and Provide Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 110,329.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Erundina Flordeliza- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Procurement Activities I Contract Amount=Php 27,750.00
Apr/29/2021Notice of Award- Nutridense Food Manufucturing Corp.- Nutritious Food Product for SBFP Learner I Contract Amount=Php 332,640.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Ice Box Chest for SBFP Milk Feeding Program I Contract Amount=Php 61,250.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Supplies and Materials for the SBFP School Recipients I Contract Amount=Php 100,758.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Supplies and Equipment for the Implementation of School Based Feeding Program I Contract Amount=Php 14,400.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Awards- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Supplies and Materials for the Use of DepEd Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 21,270.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Supplies and Materials for Partnership Building Activities I Contract Amount=Php 15,972.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Award- H100 Ecolodge- Meals and Snacks for Shapulan ni Ashal Part II I Contract Amount=Php 25,000.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Award- Villa Silvina Hotel and Restaurant- Meals, Snacks and Venue for the Conduct of Competency Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 68,000.00
Apr/27/2021Notice of Award- Proprietor Rianella Printing Press- Loakan Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 113,715.35
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- RCI Tire Supply- Tires for the Official Vehicle Service Mitsubishi Adventure I Contract Amount=Php 20,800.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- RCI Tire Supply- Tires for the Official Vehicle Service Toyota Altis I Contract Amount=Php 26,000.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Cell Cards for the Recognition Program for 2020 I Contract Amount=Php 21,412.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Recognition Program 2020 I Contract Amount=Php 18,000.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Erundina C. Flordeliza- Meals and Snacks for SDO Yearend Performance Evaluation I Contract Amount=Php 44,550.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Sidekick Force Investigation and Security Services Inc.- Security Services at the DepEd Division Office Baguio I Contract Amount=Php 522,000.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Sidekick Force Investigation and Security Services Inc.- Security Services at PFVR Gym I Contract Amount=Php 348,000.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Printer and Inks for Conduct of Curriculum Mapping I Contract Amount=Php 11,240.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Alicia Refe Catering Services- Meals and Snacks for Division Core Meeting I Contract Amount=Php 49,500.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Maxi Photo Center- Framing of IPED Signages I Contract Amount=Php 21,500.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Autobarts Autoshop- TVL Tools and Equipment for Automotive Servicing I Contract Amount=Php 162,400.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Qureplus Corporation- Supplies for the Use of SDO Employees I Contract Amount=Php 175,970.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- H100 Ecolodge and Resto- Meals and Snacks for the JDVI-TVL Orientation I Contract Amount=Php 24,000.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- ID Lace for the Use of SDO Employees I Contract Amount=Php 15,000.00
Apr/23/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Equipment to be Used in the Conduct of SDO Led I Contract Amount=Php 37,350.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Office Supplies for the SDO Led Orientation I Contract Amount=Php 14,530.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- L and L Consumer Goods Wholesaling- Cellular Phones for E Counseling Program I Contract Amount=Php 119,900.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Division-Workshop on Enhanced Quality Assurance I Contract Amount=Php 42,400.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Rizo Comcolor for Writeshop I Contract Amount=Php 25,600.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for Internet Expense for Participants I Contract Amount=Php 14,628.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Upskilling Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 13,992.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Curamed Pharmacy- Medicines for the Division Office I Contract Amount=Php 131,220.65
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Cell Cards for the Write Shop on the Preparation and Evaluation I Contract Amount=Php 48,972.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Materials for Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 10,440.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Reproduction of Supplies for SARO-RO-CAR-0298 I Contract Amount=Php 189,556.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Equipment for the Use of Administrative Office I Contract Amount=Php 48,550.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for LRMDS Office I Contract Amount=Php 124,705.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Write Shop of Contextualized Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 22,117.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for COA Office I Contract Amount=Php 16,931.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Conduct of ALS Computer-Based A&E Test I Contract Amount=Php 19,858.00
Apr/22/2021Notice of Award- Qadar General Merchandise- Printer Unit for Conduct of Upskilling and Reskilling Activities I Contract Amount=Php 20,000.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- Supplies for the Reproduction of ALS Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 50,480.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc- Supplies for the Conduct of Mid-Year Performance Review I Contract Amount=Php 16,204.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Awards- Erundina Flordeliza Food Service- Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of 2020 Year End Performance Review I Contract Amount=Php 21,000.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Unique Printing Press- IEC and Materials for Capacity Building on Child Protection I Contract Amount=Php 33,250.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Office Supplies for Grandsdism and CPP Activities I Contract Amount=Php 13,790.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Seminar Workshop on Enhancing Skills Competence I Contract Amount=Php 10,746.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Cell Cards for MEP Coordinators I Contract Amount=Php 48,500.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Cokins Everywear and General Merchandise- Cell Cards and Supplies for the JDVP I Contract Amount=Php 40,155.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Jollibee Magsaysay- Meals and Snacks for for the Capacity Building Activities I Contract Amount=Php 19,760.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Conduct of Capacity Building Activities I Contract Amount=Php 35,565.00
Apr/21/2021Notice of Award- Rainella Printing Press- Digital Printing for the Capacity Building Activities I Contract Amount=Php 49,719.00
Apr/20/2021Notice of Award- Scarlet Rose- Division Office- Meals and Snacks I Contract Amount=Php 76,500.00
Apr/20/2021Notice of Award- Print Expert.Com- Josefa Cariño Elementary School- Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 160,320.00
Apr/19/2021Notice of Award- Rianella Printing Press- Quezon Hill Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 127,217.25
Apr/15/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenirs and General Merchandise- Procurement of Solid State Drive and RAM Desktop and Laptop Storage I Contract Amount=Php 165,380.00
Apr/14/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies for the Curriculum Mapping of TLE-TVL Training Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 13,588.00
Apr/14/2021Notice of Award- JSCG Enterprises, OPC- Cell Cards as Communication Allowance for the Seminar Workshop on Critical Content I Contract Amount=Php 61,710.00
Apr/13/2021Notice of Award- Gablets Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Division Office LAC Session I Contract Amount=Php 212,800.00
Apr/08/2021Notice of Award- Print Expert.Com- Fairview Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 56,730.00
Apr/06/2021Notice of Award- Qureplus Corp.- Division Office- Additional Medical Supply I Contract Amount=Php 168,365.00
Apr/06/2021Notice of Award- Rianella Printing Press- Rizal Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 289,745.52
Apr/05/2021Notice of Award- Joas De Vera Copy Center- Pacday Quinio Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 116,379.00
Apr/05/2021Notice of Award- Print Expert.Com- Apolinario Mabini Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 111,353.00
Apr/05/2021Notice of Award- Proprietor, NUJ Printing Services- Pinget Elementary School- Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 63,886.00
Mar/24/2021Notice of Award- The Stable Educational Supply- Procurement of Common Office Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 68,794.00
Mar/23/2021Notice of Award- Ban Bee Commercial Co., Inc.- Procurement of Printer Inks for Division Office Use I Contract Amount=Php 59,375.00
Mar/18/2021Notice of Award- Pacday Quino Elementary School- Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 67,779.00
Mar/18/2021Notice of Award- Pacday Quino Elementary School- Supplies and Materials I Contract Amount=Php 141,659.50
Mar/17/2021Notice of Award- Healthlink Baguio Corporation- Procurement of Laboratory Examination Services for SDO Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 195,190.00
Mar/16/2021Notice of Award- San Carlos Heights Elementary School- Procurement of Reproduction of Modules I Contract Amount=Php 110,007.00
Mar/10/2021Notice of Award- Carolinas Dress Shop- Procurement of Cultural Uniform for SDO Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 165,000.00
Mar/10/2021Notice of Award- Corrs Shirt and Prints- Procurement of Tarpaulin and T-Shirts for the National Women's Month Celebration I Contract Amount=Php 51,360.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- Procurement of Cell Cards for Communication Allowance of SDO Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 54,468.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Qureplus Corp.- Procurement of Supplies for the Use of SDO Employees I Contract Amount=Php 175,970.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Sidekick Force Investigation and Security Services Inc.- Procurement of Security Services at the PFVR Gym I Contract Amount=Php 348,000.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Sidekick Force Investigation and Security Services Inc. - Procurement of Security Services at the DepEd Division Office Baguio I Contract Amount=Php 522,000.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- H100 Ecolodge and Resto- Procurement of Meal and Snacks for the Conduct of Division Year End Performance Review I Contract Amount=Php 75,000.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- L and L Consumer Goods Wholesaling- Procurement of Supplies and Equipment to be Utilized for the Centralized School Clinic I Contract Amount=Php 167,755.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- L and L Consumer Goods Wholesaling- Procurement of External Hard Drive as Digital Storage Device for Contextualized Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 199,500.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Sports Equipment for the 2020 Schools Division Sports Performance Planning and Development Program I Contract Amount=Php 223,650.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Continuous Implementation of Madrasah I Contract Amount=Php 481,950.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- L and L Consumer Goods Wholesaling- Procurement of Equipment for the Contextualized Canned Materials for Radio and TV Based Instruction and IPED Advocacy Initiatives I Contract Amount=Php 109,900.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Office Supplies for the HRD Office Use I Contract Amount=Php 77,068.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of Division Roll Out on Cyber Safety in Schools I Contract Amount=Php 55,605.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Nutridense Food Manufacturing Corp.- Procurement of Nutritious Food Product for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries I Contract Amount=Php 332,640.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Swiss Baker- Procurement of Nutribun and Pan de Monay for SBFP Learner Beneficiaries I Contract Amount=Php 544,320.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Villa Silvina Hotel and Restaurant- Procurement of Meals, Snacks and Venue for the Conduct of Competency Modelling Drafting Workshop I Contract Amount=Php 68,000.00
Mar/04/2021Notice of Award- Thickface Food Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Division Leaders Training of Supreme Pupil or Student Government Advisers and Officers I Contract Amount=Php 175,275.00
Feb/24/2021Notice of Award- National Dairy Authority (NDA) North Luzon Department- Notice of Award- National Dairy Authority (NDA) North Luzon Department- Procurement of Supply and Delivery of Milk for School Based Feeding Program I Contract Amount=Php 385,560.00
Feb/23/2021Notice of Award- Femjeg Security Agency- For Security Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 307,200.00
Feb/23/2021Notice of Award- Casaldo Lyndon Bacmor Security Agency- School Security I Contract Amount= Php 156,000.00
Feb/23/2021Notice of Award- Colada Janitorial Services- For Utility Personnel I Contract Amount=Php 167,914.80
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Supplies and Cell Cards for the Upskilling and Reskilling Activities for ALS 2.0 I Contract Amount=Php 361,155.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Printers for the Reproduction of ALIVE Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 393,750.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- Supplies for the Preproduction of ALS Learning Materials I Contract Amount=Php 50,480.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- Printing Equipment to Support and Provide Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 88,200.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Supplies for the Replacement and Upgrade of Components and Repair of Desktop, laptop and Computers I Contract Amount=Php 91,380.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Sound System Equipment and Peripherals for the SDO Proper I Contract Amount=Php 79,631.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Printers for the Implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan I Contract Amount=Php 664,415.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- HDMI equipment for SDO use- Events, Streaming, Webinars I Contract Amount=Php 99,499.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Zymed Medical Distributors- Equipment and Supplies for the Implementation of Minimum Health Standards Component I Contract Amount=Php 776,000.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Reproduction of Supplies for SARO-RO-CAR-0298 I Contract Amount=Php 189,556.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- L and L Consumer Goods Wholesaling- Cellular Phones for the Conduct of Cordless care an E Counseling Program I Contract Amount=Php 119,900.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Office Supplies for LRMDS Office I Contract Amount=Php 124,705.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Diseño Souvenir Shop- Procurement of Fiber Glass Barrier for the Implementation of Minimum Health Standards Component of BELCPO I Contract Amount=Php 159,040.00
Feb/22/2021Notice of Award- Qadar Souvenir and General Merchandise- Procurement of Prepaid Cards for the Conduct of the Series of Online Upskilling/Reskilling of Implementers on the Implementation of ALS 2.0 I Contract Amount=Php 51,744.00
Feb/18/2021Notice of Award- PrintExpert.Com- Reproduction of Modules I ABC=Php Contract Amount=Php 152,470.00
Feb/18/2021Notice of Awards- Froy-Zeny Transport- Procurement of Shuttle Service for the Implantation of Minimum Health Standards Component of BE-LCPO I Contract Amount=Php 243,900.00
Feb/18/2021Notice of Awards- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the SBFP School Requirements I Contract Amount=Php 100,758.00
Feb/18/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies to Support and Provide Learning Resources I Contract Amount=Php 110,329.00
Feb/18/2021Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Ice Box Chest Insulted for SBPF Milk Feeding Program I Contract Amount=Php 61,250.00
Jan/05/2021Notice of Award- Zymed Medical Distributors- Procurement of Medical and Dental Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 90,853.00
Jan/05/2021Notice of Award- Wilconstruct Enterprise- Procurement of Emergency LED Light for the use of DepEd, SDO Baguio City I Contractual Amount=Php 53,200.00
Jan/05/2021Notice of Award- Scarlet Rose Tavern- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the IP Culminating and Recognition I Contractual Amount=Php 90,000.00
Dec/03/2020Notice of Award- ZYMED Medical Distributors- Procurement of Medical and Dental Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 90,853.00
Dec/03/2020Notice of Award- QUREPLUS CORP.- Procurement of Medical and Dental Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 113,440.00
Dec/03/2020Notice of Award- QUREPLUS CORP.- Procurement of Medical and Dental Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 94,410.00
Dec/03/2020Notice of Award- QUREPLUS CORP.- Procurement of Dental Supplies I Contract Amount=Php 90,100.00
Nov/23/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Reproduction of ALS: Modules and Activity Sheets I Contract Amount=Php 86,830.00
Nov/18/2020Notice of Award- Gablets Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the Conduct of Midyear Upskilling and Reskilling of SDO Proper Non-Teaching Employees I Contract Amount=Php 115,500.00
Nov/18/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Cell Cards for Participants in the Division Roll on Bridging Equitable Education I Contract Amount=Php 126,246.00
Nov/17/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies for the Use of DepEd Division of Baguio and DepEd Public Schools I Contract Amount=Php 214,500.00
Nov/11/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Cell Cards as Communication Allowance of SDO Baguio Employees for the Month of October to December, 2020 I Contract Amount=Php 66,038.00
Nov/11/2020Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Schools Division Office, Baguio City Lot 2 I Contract Amount=Php 336,996.00
Oct/13/2020Notice of Award- L and L Consumer: Goods Wholesaling- Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for DepEd Personnel Who Will Report to Work During the Duration of this Pandemic I Contract Amount=P172,060.00
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Adolfo Realty Corp.- Procurement of Meals, Venue and Accommodation for the Conduct of Orientation on Partnership Building for School Administrators I Contract Amount=P95,880.00
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Curamed Pharmacy- Procurement of Medicines for the Division Office I Contract Amount=P131,220.65
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Procurement of HRD Materials and Supplies I Contract Amount=P86,967.70
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- ANAYAS Catering- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for PSB Meetings and Assessments for Teacher I I Contract Amount=P52,392.00
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Eastern Telecommunications Phils. Inc.- Procurement of Installation of Premium Leased Line Internet I Contract Amount=P537,600.00
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Gablets Catering Services- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the National Women's Month Celebration I Contract Amount=P53,280.00
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Tiongson Baguio- Procurement of Streamers and T-shirt for the Conduct of National Women's Month Celebration I Contract Amount=P59,860.00
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Conduct of Online Regional Capacity Building Activities for the Implementation of ALS 2.0 I Contract Amount=P54,970.00
Sep/24/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Cell Cards for Communication Allowance I Contract Amount=P118,720.00
Sep/16/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Equipment to Support the School Based Feeding Program- Milk Feeding Program Component Implementation I Contract Amount=P193,789.00
Aug/19/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Cell Cards as Communication Allowance for the SDO Baguio Employees I Contract Amount=P73,458.00
Aug/19/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Procurement of Office Supplies for the 2nd and 3rd Quarter for Division Office I Contract Amount=P85,065.00
Aug/18/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Schools Division Office Baguio City I Contract Amount=P281,100.00
Aug/14/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Bond Paper A4 gsm 70 for the Reproduction of Modules for the Pilot Schools I Contract Amount=P874,500.00
Aug/14/2020Notice of Award- Copier Online Phils. Inc.- Procurement of Rizo Ink and Master Roll Plus Free Use of 3 Duplicating Machine for the Reproduction of Learning Modules for the Pilot Schools I Contract Amount=P245,000.00
Aug/14/2020Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Materials for the Packaging of Learning Resource Modules I Contract Amount=P222,950.00
Aug/14/2020Notice of Award- Copylandia Office Systems Corporation- Procurement of Rizo Ink for the Reproduction of Learning Materials/Modules for the Pilot Schools I Contract Amount= P508,675.00
Aug/14/2020Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Schools Division Office, Baguio City I Contract Amount=P303,880.00
Jul/20/2020Notice of Award- Joy Bagaporo- Masangkay Computer Center- Procurement of Cell Cards for Communication Allowance of SDO Baguio Employees | Contract Amount=P100,640.00
Jul/20/2020Notice of Award- Lois Uy- Panghoi Enterprises- Procurement of Office Supplies and Materials for the First Quarter 2020
Jul/13/2020Notice of Award- Ana Loida F. Olarte- Sidekick Force Investigation & Security Service Inc.- Procurement of Security Services for the Schools Division Office Baguio City
Jul/13/2020Notice of Award- Ana Loida F. Olarte- Sidekick Force Investigation & Security Service Inc.- Procurement of Security Services for the PFVR 2020
Jul/13/2020Notice of Award- Samuel M. Carantes III- Procurement of Meals and Venue for ISO Training
Jul/13/2020Notice of Award- Eric C. Baldo Land Surveying- Procurement of Survey in Preparation for the Transfer of Title and Registration of Special Patent
Jul/13/2020Notice of Award- Q Bear Enterprises- Procurement of Back-up Storage to be Used for Different Units, Universal Charger for Dell Laptops Donated by the Mayor and Power Supply for Replacement of Busted PSU
Jul/06/2020Notice of Award- Pines Mamitas Bulaluhan- Procurement of Meals for Scholars Forum and Sharing of Learning of National Training Attendees
Jun/10/2020Notice of Award- Adolfo Realty Corporation- Procurement of Meals, Venue and Accommodation for the Conduct of Orientation on Partnership Building for School Administrators
Jun/10/2020Notice of Award- Curamed Pharmacy- Procurement of Medicines for the Division Office
Jun/08/2020Notice of Award- Laser Marketing- Procurement of HRD Materials and Supplies
Jun/08/2020Notice of Award- Anayas Catering- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for PSB Meetings and Assessments for Teacher 1
May/27/2020Notice of Award- Eastern Telecommunications Phils. Inc.- Procurement of Installation of Premium Leased Line Internet
May/27/2020Notice of Award- Gablets Catering Service- Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the National Women's Month Celebration
May/27/2020Notice of Award- Corazon Tiongson- Procurement of Streamers and T-shirt for the Conduct of National Women's Month Celebration
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Miguel A. Kiswa- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Sto. Tomas Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Samuel Alacyang Jr.- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Conservation and Restoration of Gabaldon School Building at Rizal Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Robert P. Bayo- Procurement of CY 2019- Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Apolinario Mabini Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Reynaldo C. Pulmano- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Lucban Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Johnson P. Isican- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Jose P. Laurel Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Miguel A. Kiswa- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Josefa Cariño Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Norris B. Anoyan- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Irisan National High School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Reidan Delos Santos- CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Guisad Valley National High School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Reidan L. Delos Santos- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Baguio City High School- Fort Del Pilar Annex
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Marcos P. Luma-ang- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Elpidio R. Quirino Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Jenny A. Bangdo- Procurement of CY 2019 Quick Response Fund Construction of Slope Protection at Dontogan Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Johnson P. Isican- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Dontogan Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Norris B. Anoyan- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Doña Aurora Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Aster P. Cadwagan- Procurement of CY 2019 Basic Educational Facilities Fund Repair of Classroom at Bakakeng Elementary School
Mar/16/2020Notice of Award- Samuel Alacyang Jr.- Procurement of CY 2019 Dental Health Facilities Program Conversion of Classroom to Dental Clinic at Baguio Central School
Sep/17/2019Notice of Award- AutoBarts Autoshop- Procurement of TVL Tools and Equipment for Automotive Services
Sep/17/2019Notice of Award- Villa Silvina Hotel & Restaurant- Procurement of Meals and Snacks and Accommodations for the Writeshop on Contextualization of Learning Materials for Kinder and Grades 1-3
Sep/17/2019Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc.- Procurement of Supplies for the Conduct of Guidance Counselors and Guidance Designates Training
Sep/10/2019Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc. Ms. Lois Uy- Procurement of Supplies for the Conduct of the Guidance Counselors and Guidance Designates Training
Aug/14/2019Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises- Procurement of Computer Set for ADAS I and ADAS II of Budget Office
Aug/08/2019Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises Inc. Lois Uy -Procurement of Office Supplies for the Division Office for 2nd Quarter 2019
Aug/08/2019Notice of Award- Venus Park Hotel. Ma. Bernadette S. Cantos- Procurement of Venue and Meals for the 3rd Regional MANCOM Meeting 2019
Aug/08/2019Notice of Award- Brentwood Apartelle. Ma. Luisa C. Alimbuyao- Procurement of Meals and Venue for the Launching of Project DOVE and re-orientation on the Roles of Master Teachers
Jul/30/2019Notice of Award- Hexacom Enterprises CY 2019- Procurement of Equipment for the Capability Building for AZATIDZ
Jul/30/2019Notice of Award- Panghoi Enterprises CY 2018- Equipment and Materials for the Counduct of EHRIS Workshop on January 22 to 24, 2018
Jul/30/2019Notice of Award- Casaldo Lyndon Bacmor Security Agency, Joseph O. Bacduyan CY 2019- Procurement of Security Services / Guard
Jul/30/2019Notice of Award- Best Diagnostic Corp. Jessica Joy D. Estrada CY 2019 Annual Laboratory Work-Up for SDO Personnels (National Only)
Jul/30/2019Notice of Award- Z Radio CY 2019- Advocacy services of DepEd Baguio City through Radio Broadcasting Program Media network
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- RHOB Construction and Engineering Services Robert P. Bayo CY 2018 Electrification of Un-Energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical Systems of On-grid Schools (Batch 2) at SPED Center
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- RHOB Construction and Engineering Services Robert P. Bayo Electrification of Un-energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical System On-grid Schools (Batch 2) at Mil-an National High School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- WWW Construction Glydon M. Wawey | CY 2018 Electrification of Un-Energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical Systems of On-grid Schools (Batch 2) at Sto. Tomas National High School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- RHOB Construction and Engineering Services Robert P. Bayo | CY 2018 Electrification of Un-Energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical Systems of On-grid Schools (Batch 2) at San Vicente National High School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- Moment Diagram Builders Robert B. Dacili | CY 2018 Conservation and Restoration of Gabaldon School Building at Magsaysay Elementary School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- Moment Diagram Builders Robert B. Dacili | CY 2018 Conservation and Restoration of Gabaldon School Building at Lucban Elementary School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- WWW Construction Glydon M. Wawey | CY 2018 Electrification of Un-Energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical Systems of On-grid Schools (Batch 2) at Irisan National High School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- WWW Construction Glydon M. Wawey | CY 2018 Electrification of Un-Energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical Systems of On-grid Schools (Batch 2) at Elpidio R. Quirino School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- WWW Construction Glydon M. Wawey | CY 2018 Electrification of Un-Energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical Systems of On-grid Schools (Batch 1) at Baguio City National High School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- WWW Construction Glydon M. Wawey | CY 2018 Electrification of Un-Energized Schools and Modernization of Electrical Systems of On-grid Schools (Batch 2) at Baguio Central School
Jul/18/2019Notice of Award- Moment Diagram Builders Robert D. Daclili | CY 2018 Conservation and Restoration of Gabaldon School Building at Aguinaldo Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- RHOB Construction & Engineering Services | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Repair/Rehabilitation/Replacement of Classrooms at San Vicente Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- NORBANO Builders | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Repair/Rehabilitation/Replacement of Classrooms at Holy Ghost Extension Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- Moment Diagram Builders | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Construction of Slope Protection at Roxas National High School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- Moment Diagram Builders | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Repair/Rehabilitation/Replacement of Classrooms at Pines City National High School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- HDG Construction & Enterprises | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Construction of Slope Protection at Doña Aurora National High School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- MOMENT DIAGRAM BUILDERS | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Construction of Slope Protection at Dominican – Mirador National High School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- MHIGS CONSTRUCTION | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Repair/Rehabilitation/Replacement of Classrooms at Quirino Hill Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- MHIGS CONSTRUCTION | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Repair/Rehabilitation/Replacement of Classrooms at Pacday Quinio Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- SWACS Enterprises | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Repair/Rehabilitation/Replacement of Classrooms at Manuel A. Roxas Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- LOC Construction & Supply | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Construction of Slope Protection at Loakan Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award-Merjan P. Hambon General Construction | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Construction of Slope Protection at Lindawan Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award-NORBANO BUILDERS | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Construction of Slope Protection at Jose P. Laurel Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- LOC Construction & Supply | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Construction of Slope Protection at Happy Hallow Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- SWACS Enterprises | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 3) Repair/Rehabilitation/Replacement of Classrooms at Fort del Pilar Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- RHOB Construction & Engineering Services | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 2) Construction of Slope Protection at San Vicente Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- REAL CAT Construction | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 2) Construction of Slope Protection at Pinsao Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- LOC Construction & Supply | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 2) Construction of Slope Protection at Lindawan National High School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- Moment Diagram Builders | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 2) Construction of Slope Protection at Camp 7 Elementary School
Jan/07/2019Notice of Award- RHOB Construction & Engineering Services | CY 2018 Quick Response Fund (Batch 2&3) Construction of Slope Protection at Bakakeng Elementary School
Apr/28/2017Notice of Award - Jeffrey Emil E. Dee| Restoration of Official Vehicle Mitsubishi L300 for Supply Office
Jul/28/2017Notice of Award - Micromedia, PC King Computer Center, Com-Plex Computer and Printing Shop| ICT Equipment for Data Storage, Networking Infrastructure and Graphics/Video Editing
Jul/23/2017Notice of Award - H100 Ecolodge & Resto| Consultation Workshop on the Development of Policy on Off-School Activities
Sep/08/2017Notice of Award - Gablets Catering| Division Training/Workshop on Training and Development Program Standards
Sep/13/2017Notice of Award - Eurotel Corporation| Board and Lodging | Round-Table Discussion and Fieldwork for School Feeding Program Delivery and Assessment
Aug/31/2017Notice of Award - Alicia Refe Catering Service | District Campus Journalism Seminar-Workshop
Aug/29/2017Notice of Award - Prince Plaza Hotel | Conduct of SHDP Graduation Program
Feb/28/2017Notice of Award- Real Cat Construction | Repairs/Rehabilitation of Classrooms for J.P. Rizal Elementary School
Mar/09/2017Notice of Award- Prince Plaza Hotel:Board and Lodging for the Division Testing Coordinator's Assessment Conference
Feb/03/2017Notice of Award - Sofia Jenn Dress Shop & Tailoring | 2017 CARAA Jackets for DepED